Monday, April 25, 2011

interesting facts about time spent/wasted.

1. Some guy, Randy Gardner, stayed awake for 264 hours. That's 11 days. Yes, we all know that. BUT, less famous is the controversy that the actual record goes to Maureen Weston, who stayed awake for 449 hours (18 days) in a rocking chair marathon.

2. The average high from marijuana is 2 hours. (unrelated: there's a website called guess what they're all about?)

3. The longest time spent Dancing while Holding Green Cups: 18 minutes, 29 seconds. Pathetic.

4. What can you do in 110 hours and 46 minutes? Adrian Hilton read the complete works of Shakespeare in that time, armed with friends to keep him awake and even advice from NASA on nutrition over the 5 days. Yes, the same organisation that sent man into space.

5. Time spent on the toilet each year, Worldwide.

6.7 billion people x 365.25 days x 10 minutes = 24 500 000 000 000 minutes

That's the equivalent to nearly half a million centuries.

Imagine that.


Anonymous said...

Is this against or for doing these things?

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