Monday, January 31, 2011

School started today.

I can't tell you enough how bummed I am that I don't have anymore homework to do.  I must now do the dishes.  ;3




I'm seated in a bum spell in ICT and my friends..."friends" are bugging me to write here i am...
Live long and prosper trekkies
the force is strong warriors

Sunday, January 30, 2011

FE FI FO FUM!!!!! Blargh I'm a GIANT!!!!

You obviously can't tell this but i'm typing REALLY fast.  Wow i'm on an amazing sugar high!!!  My brain is in spastic mode!!!  So i was thinking about how i'm a really lazy person, as in the 'god the remote is too far to reach, i'll just keep watching this rerun of Hannah Montanna on Disney Channel' kind of lazy.  I even felt the need to take a three hour nap today even though that means there's now no hope of getting to sleep before midnight.
Yeah i'm rambling now, point was that I kinda thought maybe it's not so healthy to be this inactive all the time so i googled possible causes for being tired all the time and folks, it's not looking good.  

Possible causes for fatigue:  
Kidney disease
Cushing's disease
HIV - pretty sure this doesn't apply for me....I don't share needles (sorry bad joke, blame the sugar)

Congestive heart failure
coronary artery disease
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Am I making a point?  They shouldn't have these sites where you can diagnose yourself because people just end up freaking themselves out.  Kinda like I am now.  But i'm sure the feeling of impending doom will pass (PTSD?).  
Grrrrr on another note - try going to your local bookshop.  Look in the young adult/teen fiction area.  Do you see a pattern??  As in the entire shelf full of books about freaking vampires, werewolves, fairies, and fallen angels??  What is wrong with the world?!  Can I please buy a book without getting a face full of unoriginal vampire love stories that have detailed make out scenes and no plot?!!!
(takes deep breath)
You know what, i'll save my vampire rant for later, maybe when my brain is functioning more normally.          

Saturday, January 29, 2011

I'm really craving a Big Mac right now

Normally I write something along with posting a picture but I'm really hungry right now so I'm just going to give you the picture.

Yes that is the Green Arrow.  I used a picture from DeviantArt as the reference and yeah the background colour is kinda ugly but i'm too hungry to care right now.

Friday, January 28, 2011

I meant did u get a new one or what happened AFTER

nooo, unfortunately I don't have the spare cash lying around and my parents aren't really the type to just go out and buy me another one... So as of now, I'm saving for a new one, since no one's returned my old/new one. I am $28 the way there. :/

Anything and everything. Just ask it.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What happened with the phone

I could be rude and just say - READ THE POST. But, since I'm in a nice mood... basically, it must've fell or something and when I went to look for it, it was no longer there.... My pooor phone&totoro case. I made that thing D; nobody else deserves the coolness of it...

Anything and everything. Just ask it.

ruth is awesome, who agrees?

Okay, SHOW YOURSELF ANON ! (but yes, I am pretty awesome.)

Anything and everything. Just ask it.

Were your parents mad?

Not as mad as I thought. Actually, my daddy gave me a big hug and told me it would be okay (;

Anything and everything. Just ask it.

What's your favourite song ever?

HMMhmmhMMmhmMm. I don't think I can speak for everyone here when I say... Everything - Michael Buble (You were expecting me to say I See the Light right !? RIGHT!?). What's YOUR favourite song then?

Anything and everything. Just ask it.

Correct me if I’m wrong…

But this blog HAS to belong to a girl right?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Today sucks.


So today right, I went to the cinemas with a friend to watch Tangled (which by the way is just as amazing the second time around) and I'm 100% sure that I had my phone with me during the film.  BUT when I walk out, I realise that the phone is no longer in my bag where it's supposed to be.  And so we race back to our seats and it's GONE.  It was me, Adele, and the cleaner guy looking under the seats for my phone but NADA.  It’s so dirty under those seats and I HAD TO GO THROUGH ALL OF IT.  O.O  I've only had this phone for 2 weeks.  My parents are going to kill me.  And it has the ultra cool Totoro phone sock that I made as well as my camera's memory card.  There goes at least $150.  My parents are going to kill me.

On the plus side, we found $20 today.  But I had to use my share to buy credit for my old brick phone.  T.T

Oh crap, here they are now.  I can hear the rumble of the garage door opening.  Guys, if you don’t hear from me again, you’ll know what happened….

Monday, January 24, 2011

I'm Feeling Lucky.

This is pure GENIUS.

I've never used it before, that random button on Google. That is, until my brother showed me some of the amazing ways it can be used:

Try Chuck Norris, or ask if it is a certain day.

But the best entertainment?

I searched Is William Stupid? and it came up with William is Stupid.

William searched Is Karen Stupid? (I know, original..) and....

a youtube video named:

God Karen, You're So Stupid.

Yes, hilarious. I dare you to try your own name, in this Magic 8 Ball esque game.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

A Furious Rage.

I abhor this title. A rage indicates fury, rendering the 'furious' description useless.

But obviously, a particular tennis commentator disagrees.

On four distinct occassion in just a mere half HOUR, this man said something along the lines of the title. eg:

"Yes, She's a very good player and to win you need to really beat her."

.. to win... you need to... beat her.... Has the meaning of winning changed to necessitate this addition?

Well sure, I understand that they need to fill in gaps in the game and keep the audience ratings high, but not in this way!

I rank this in my Most Irate Worthy list:


After nonliterary oxymorons and people who write 'then' when they actually mean 'than'.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Conspiracy Theories

Now it's not everyday you see a poster claiming the government is responsible for the death and torture of  innocent people....
But yes 'genocide conspiracy' posters are kinda popping up everywhere and it kinda got me thinking about conspiracy theories.  And like any other nerd, i went home to research them so here are some of the best ones.

Humans are actually being ruled by blood drinking, shape shifting, flesh eating reptilians from outer space and the British royal family are actually reptiles in disguise.

Barcode numbers are actually designed to control people, created by a 'world government' with a satanic intent

KFC is owned by a member of the KKK and the chicken is laced with a drug that makes black men impotent (kinda redundant seeing as the owner of the KFC franchise is African-American) 

614 - 911 CE never existed and all historical events, figures, and artifacts from that time period are fakes and we're actually living in 1713

And last, Microsoft is sending secret messages through their programs ie. 'NYC' in the font Wingdings looks like   NYC.  There was actually a lawsuit or something about that so Microsoft created the font Webdings where NYC looks like NYC.

So there you go.  Believe them if you want but I doubt you're going to come across many people who think that we're being ruled by lizards. 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

LOLOLOL. I’m such a freak.

So I bought the song right?

2 days later…iseethelight

That’s half as many times as I listened to Haven’t Met You Yet – over a year.  This is only two days.  Oh my.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Story behind Mr Krabs and Pearl.

I don’t know who the author of this is.  But I found this.  And my eyes started to go all glassy and aaaah…

Mr. Krabs and Pearl…how you ask?

Eugene Krabs wasn’t always the greedy Krab we know today. Is greed is a result of the troubles that have taken place in his household when he was a child. His father walked out on him and his mother and Mama Krabs was jobless. They spent some days without food or water or heat in the brutal winter. Eugene loved his mother very much and couldn’t stand to see her suffer anymore. He tried to get a job at the age of 12 but was too young so he did the only thing he could do to help his mother. Steal. Eugene stole food from supermarkets, money from neighbors and became a well renowned hustler at his middle school. He racked up cash for months and months, enough to help support him and his mother for the rest of their lives. After the years have passed, the desire to possess money became a part of him. He has gotten beaten, jumped, nearly killed over the years for stealing, but it didn’t phase him. It was in his blood now.

In high school, he didn’t have many friends. Nobody really liked the Hustler Krabs because they didn’t trust him. He spent 3 years in high school alone. Until senior year. During swim class, Eugene saw an opportunity to make a quick buck. A whale by the name of Willy forgot to put his backpack in his locker. Quickly, Eugene raced to the bag, opened the bottom pocket and found the whale’s wallet. As he reached for the money inside, Willy ran back to his locker remembering that he forgot to put his bag in there. Eugene was caught. Eugene tried to run, but it was too late. Willy caught him and shoved him against the wall and yelled “WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?” Eugene had no response, he held on to the wallet as tight as he could and anticipated a beating. However, Willy dropped him and said “If you really need it that bad, I guess you can have it.” Eugene was shocked. He then scurried away with the wallet as Willy put his bag in the locker.

That night, all Eugene could think about was Willy. “Why would he let me go?” he asked himself. His paranoia made him believe it was a trick. He didn’t open the wallet that night. A month passed after the incident and Eugene had forgotten all about the wallet he stole until one day his class went on a field trip to Jellyfish Fields. When Eugene got on the bus, he noticed all the seats have been taken. There were some empty ones but nobody would sit next to him. Eugene walked to the back of the bus and at the last row he noticed another empty seat. Sitting next to it was Willy. Eugene new he wouldn’t let him sit next to him after the incident so he stood at the back of the bus. Willy looked at him and asked “Need a seat?” Eugene was nervous, he took a quick glance at him and ignored him. Willy shouted it louder and Eugene turned and said “Yeah…I do” and sat down. Willy looked at him and reminded him of the incident and Eugene denied it. Eugene still had the wallet in his bag after neglecting it for weeks. “Why’d you let me go?” asked Eugene. Willy just looked at him and said “Psht…I only had like three bucks in there, it’s nothing really. If you needed it so bad, I guess you can have it.” Eugene then reached into his bag and gave him the wallet. “I didn’t take the money anyway” he said. Willy smiled and took the wallet. “Wow, really? I don’t really need this. You can have it if you want.” Eugene’s eyes lit up as if just won the lottery. “Really? You’re giving this to me? What’s the catch?” said Eugene. Willy replied “No catch. Just think of it as a gift. One friend to another right?” Eugene was amazed at the word “friend”. “He barely even knows me. I tried to steal from him…why would he want to be my friend of all people” Eugene thought to himself. As confused as he was, Eugene was sort of happy. He never had a friend other than his mom. They sat quietly next to eachother for the rest of the bus ride.

As time went by, Eugene and Willy became closer and closer. Eugene started to steal less. Willy became very important to him. At 18, they got their first jobs at Old Man Jenkin’s farm, cleaning the seahorse stables. Eugene began to learn how to make money the right way. The hustler was still in him though, but the thief seemed to fade away slowly.  In fact, Willy was the first one to give Eugene the idea of starting his own business. At work one day, Willy found a shiny, big pearl.  “Won’t you look at this, Eugene. This pearl is HUGE. It’s gotta be worth a lot”. Eugene looked at it with greed and pondered snatching it away from him and running, but he didn’t. A couple minutes later, Willy told Eugene “I’m surprised you haven’t tried to steal the pearl from me”. Eugene looked at him and said “Nah, I’m not the crab I once was”. Willy smiled and gave handed the pearl to Eugene. “You can have it, Eugene. Think of it as a lucky charm. May this friendship last as long as both of us are alive.” Krabs took the pearl with a smile and said “Hopefully even longer.”

More years went by and Willy had a wife. Krabs opened his own business, which turned out to be the Krusty Krab. Willy was proud of him for the change he has made since high school and at the grand opening he announced that his wife was pregnant and he was going to be a father. This made Eugene very happy and started calling himself “Uncle Krabs” for days. After the nine months passed, Willy’s wife gave birth to a baby whale girl. Eugene was almost as happy as they were, not knowing that the happiest day of their lives was about to turn into the worst.

A couple of hours after delivering the baby, Krabs ran into the hospital with a bag full of gifts ready to bombard the newest parents of Bikini Bottom. That’s when it happened. As Krabs entered the room, a harpoon flew in from the ceiling, and plunged into Willy’s wife’s head. She dropped the baby and Willy quickly picked her up as he went to tend to his wife. She was dead and a net covered her completely as she was dragged up to the surface. He couldn’t believe it and then another harpoon came flying into the room and Krabs yelled to him “YOU HAVE TO GET OUT OF THERE”. They both ran down the stairs, trying to escape. A few feet from the exit, Willy was harpooned in the tailfin and fell, dropping the baby. Eugene quickly picked with one hand as he tried to hold on to Willy with the other. A net came swooping down and covered him like it did to his wife. “I won’t let you take him!” yelled Eugene clinging on toe Willy for dear life. Then Willy said “Let go.” Eugene, eyes filled with tears, refused but the net forced him to separated. Willy slowly went up and said “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be back faster than you can say Krabby Patty” and smiled at Eugene. “Just promise to take good care of my child until I get back. Eugene, speechlessly staring back at him as he floated up with the baby in his right claw. “Really Eugene, I’ll be fine. I promise. Now leave before they get you too” yelled Willy. Krabs ran with the baby and turned back and stared at Willy as he started disappearing to the surface. “Take good care of my child!” were the last words he said as he vanished. Eugene had never been so devastated in his life.

Krabs grew up with the baby whale. Named her Pearl after the pearl they found in Old Man Jenkin’s farm, the pearl that symbolized his eternal friendship with Willy. He raised Pearl like she was one of his own. For years he waited for the day he will get back, like he promised, but as time faded, the hope Eugene had of Willy returning also faded, but his memory of his one time best friend will never fade and Pearl will always be there to remind him of that.

taking the bus.

Public Transport.

ok, so the main problem i have with it, i've decided, (apart from the crowding, the strangers, the smells etc..) is the people. in general.

example 1: there's always the weirdo that HAS to sit next to you when there are perfectly empty seats around. and if you're not forced into conversation with them, then you know there's more of a chance for the person to notice you're slowly inching away and not just making space to converse.

example 2: (admittedly, this one is partly my fault.) so, when you get off, you say thank you to the bus driver right? because it's polite and he's completed his service of transporting you and you haven't suffered any grievous bodily harm (apart from the person from example 1's bad breath).

but apparently, it is reason enough for the people behind you to give you Looks. like it's caused them some sort of major inconvenience for them, in the millisecond you held back to say thanks, or they feel obliged to do so themselves.

example 3: the ones that play disgusting heavy metal which can be heard by everyone in the bus, even through headphones. and these are the people who feel like the government has failed them for not being able to miraculously cure deafness.

i hope you're all happy, for i am thoroughly pissed off.

[in retrospect, it seems that this post applies not only to bus goers but to all humanity. it's all so disgusting.]

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Unfortunately I think i'm losing my mind.
Lets take a look at the evidence shall we?

Firstly I had a conversation with myself in my head - which I actually do quite often and is probably cause for concern, but anyway, the conversation wasn't the worrying part.  The part that was worrying was when I later recalled that conversation I had in my head as an actual conversation with an actual friend. 

And secondly, i read a 'Green Arrow and Black Canary' comic i borrowed from the library last week.  Then when I reread the book today, i had no memory of anything that had happened in the book.  Or rather, i remember different things happening in the story the last time i read it.
I think it's mostly my memory thats going which is rather unfortunate considering my age.

On a different note, I was on my way to the supermarket today when i came across what i initially thought was a garden covered with black seeds - not so amazing.  Except that on closer inspection, all the black seeds turned out to be dead bees.  Indeed an entire garden covered with lifeless, fuzzy bees.  I'd like to let my imagination tell me that all the bees died in some crazy bee turf war but i'm pretty sure they were just poisoned.
Now I'm pretty certain that this actually did happen and i wasn't imagining it but considering how my week has been, i can't be sure.

A Modern Family moment.

I love the Modern Family add going on at the moment, with Phil going all, “I'm cool dad, that's my thang. I'm hip, I surf the web, I text. LOL: laugh out loud, OMG: oh my god, WTF: why the face” I laugh.  Every single time.  But anyway so today we were having a conversation at the dinner table, as per usual.  And dad asks how my life is.  Usually, I just give them the typical teenage thing “fine” but I thought I’d be extra generous today and grace them with an extra detail…  (I’ve even included GIFS ! excuse the first one though, it’s hard to find accurate representations… so i thought i’d just throw that in for fun.)

Dad: So how's teenage life?

Me: It's fine, except for those people who's heads you just want to shove down the toilet.

Dad: Ahhh. TC.

Me: What?

Dad: TC. You know: teenagers - complicated. D'UUUH. mhmm
Me: Ohhh..

thinking face

I forget that my dad knows everything.   I always thought TC stood for too cool.  Oh well, can’t win ‘em all.

Okay last Tangled related video – I PROMISE !

I know, I know, I’m probably going overboard with this whole Tangled business but I HAVE TO show you this.  It’s a bit odd, but I guess it sure needs talent to pull this off…

More late night blogging…

Sorry guys, I’m bombarding you with all my silly thoughts and ramblings.  I’m just a bit bored and it’s too late to start any new project soooo I think I’ll just sit here and write another blog.  Feel free to skip through this one.

Meh.  So when I’m not on the computer, or in front of the TV, or at the sewing machine I’m most probably reading.  And I’ve been doing a bit of holiday reading lately so I thought I’d recommend a book series for you guys since we’re known to recommend things from time to time.  Dear readers, let me introduce to you The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare.  It was actually my mother who told me to read these, and I was kind of shocked after I read them that she actually enjoyed it.  Wait, that’s not making it sound any good…  Let me start again.  It’s REALLY good.  I’m into all that supernatural kind of stuff with demons and angels and vamps and lycanthropes – anything BUT ghosts.  Ghosts just freak me out a little.  And this series kind of just hit the bulls eye with me (does that even make sense?).

So basically, it’s this contemporary story set in New York.  It follows Clary, a 15/16 year old girl who suddenly finds herself leaving her human, otherwise known as ‘mundane’, life and finding herself amongst vampires, warlocks, lycanthropes, faeries (who aren’t all as nice as you’d think) and other weird and wonderful creatures, but most importantly the Nephilim.  These are something like the offspring of angels and humans – it’s all a bit confusing as to what they are.  So Clary finds out she’s got this destiny to fulfil and has to save the ehh, society of Nephilims I guess, from the big evil guy.  Kind of typical good over evil type thing.  BUT that’s not the juicy part!  There’s like this kind of, incestual (is that even a word?) twist to the story where Clary falls in love or something or rather and then there are parts of the story that just make you want to rip the book apart and burn it.  But I can’t really elaborate on that without spoiling the story so I guess I’ll just have to leave it to you guys to read…  At the moment there are three books in the series, City of Bones, City of Ashes and City of Glass and I think another one is coming out later this year.  It’s good.  DON’T LET ANYONE TELL YOU OTHERWISE.

And while I’m at it, I might as well tell you another series to read – The Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins.  I don’t know if we’ve ever mentioned that on here before but that is a DEFINITE have to have to have to.  I swear, those are the best books I’ve read in a while.

And, if you ship the whole Bella/Edward thing they’ve got going on (LOL the first instalment of Breaking Dawn comes out this year…) then you should read Hush, Hush, Becca Fitzpatrick.  It’s not entirely the same, but it kind of achieves the same idea of forbidden love and man wanting to kill girl kind of thing with stalker thing as well but in a hell of a lot less time.  I guess you could say it was a decent read.  No vamps in this one, just Nephilim and fallen angels.  Cute story, just a bit tooo Twilighty for me.

And if you want something that involves no supernatural (I’m craving some Supernatural right now…) elements then maybe you should read The Uninvited, Tim Wynne Jones.  I bought it thinking that it involves some sort of ghost or something – yes I said I hate ghosts but I was on holiday and I needed something cheap to read – instead it’s this weird, creepy story that kind of finishes with you thinking ‘what thaaa…’.  Don’t know why I’m even recommending it to you guys.  Maybe I’m not.  Or maybe I’m just bored.

And that is all I can come up with at the top of my head right now. 

I need to learn how to sleep.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Speaking of Youtubers….

I thought I’d tell you again how much I love that new Disney film ‘Tangled’, just because it embodies everything Disney romances are known to be – you know, you get that ‘awwww’ (I can’t think of any other way to describe it) feeling in the end because everybody lives happily ever after.  You know what I’m talking about right!?

And so, about an hour ago I bought – yes, BOUGHT, as in paid $1.79 (of course it wasn’t my money, but still…) – the track I See The Light (I posted it before somewhere down there).  And it’s been playing on repeat ever since.  Me and my sister  My sister and I have this thing where if we like a song we’ll play it over and over again – kind of like the Michael Buble playlist that’s been playing since Christmas 2009 (I am still utterly in love with his voice).  But anyway, this blog isn’t about Michael Buble – it’s about how much of an awesome sister I am, you’ll see, I’ll get to the point sometime later. 

So a few moments ago, I overheard my sister on the piano trying to figure out the song, she’s usually pretty good at that kind of stuff, but I thought I’d help her out a bit (I’m so kind.) and try find the sheet music or chords or something.  No. Such. Luck.  I saw it coming, I mean, the movie’s only been out a few months… But anyway, I came across this guy right here – there’s something about really good piano playing that I can just listen to over and over again. 

Is it just me, or is this just the prettiest thing you’ve heard?

On an entirely, yet not so different note, I’ve been spending my days pretty wisely lately, no sims, no dragon age, less than 5 hours in front of the TV each day, waking up before 1, you know, wise time using stuff.   Nah I’m just kidding, serious now, I’ve been BOOK COVERING, amongst other little things.  I dunno, I thought I’d share it with you guys, get your creative juices ehh, doing what creative juices do (pumping?) – you know, some inspiration to go do your own thing.  Oh yes, and this is where I tell you why I’m such an awesome sister.  I covered my little sister’s books too.   “Yeaah big deal it just duraseal” you might be saying.  Yeah well STFU, just wait till you see these…


Okay, so that’s 4 ringbinders, and 15 books/refills, all completely unique and done by me (:  that’s $20 worth of comics – ALL DC – a 10m long roll of duraseal and maybe some dog fur stuck in there too....  It actually took me HOURS.  I think my sister just pretends that she doesn’t know how to do things so that she can get out of helping out.  Buuuut, I don’t mind I guess.  I think I’m a bit of a perfectionist anyway when it comes to these sort of things so it’s better with her out of the way. Oh, and she pays me.  In fact, it was her money I used to buy the song – but shhhh, that wasn’t part of the deal.

And you’ll see there my three case things.  I’d discovered a new way to make things so I’ve been going all out and making things.  Actually, I could possibly even do commissions… Maybe.  I dunno, mail me and I’ll see..  Here’s a close up.  Totoro’s belly is actually made up of fleece so it’s all furry ^^.  The rest is made out of calico – kind of like a thin canvas/cottony type material.


Sorry, this is an incredibly long post.  I’m too lazy to split it in half.  But yeah, this is pretty much what I do all day. everyday.  :3

Saturday, January 15, 2011


So guys, guess what??  Pink kryptonite temporarily turns Superman gay.  Who knew??
How do I know this?  Because I have a ridiculous amount of spare time that I use to google random stuff, usually related to DC superheroes cuz it's the obsession that my life currently revolves around.  I think the thing about holidays is everything kinda gets skewed and out of perspective, well it does for me anyways.  For example, right now the issue causing me the most stress is trying to decide whether to watch Smallville, Superman and Batman: Apocalypse, or The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnarssus tonight.  Or I could go WAY out there and read instead.
And yes I realise that this all makes me life seem a little sad but hey, all this googling means I rock at quizzes.
Also i'm working on a little animation to commemorate the start of our blog so look forward to know, in five months time.

On a completely different note, you should check out the vlogbrothers on Youtube.  These guys are amazing!!  Hank and John Green - the idols of my inner nerd which really isn't that 'inner'

Friday, January 14, 2011

Zachary Levi sings–MY MIND IS BLOWN.

I know I said that you wouldn’t be hearing from me in a while – it’s been an hour since I posted that.  And in that space of time I’ve been on Youtube listening to Zachary Levi sing.

For those of you who don’t know, Zachary Levi is Chuck and he is Flynn Ryder/Eugene in the new Disney movie Tangled.  He’s got a singing part in the movie and it’s actually AMAZING.  You know, Amazing like puppies being born type stuff.  Seriously, I NEVER KNEW HE COULD SING!  It’s hard to imagine Chuck singing right!? Okay so I thought I’d spare you the pain and here are a few videos..

Okay, so his voice is officially added to the list of men with beautiful voices – currently standing at 4: Michael Buble (WOAH DIDN’T SEE THAT ONE COMING), Darren Criss, Jensen Ackles and of course Zachary Levi.

And why not throw in GiFS of each of them just cause I can.  I told you I find uses for them.


Seven hours of Smallville? PSHH that’s nothing..

Okay, so maybe I’m not as much of a know-it-all when it comes to Smallville compared to Bronwynter (oh golly, I just remembered, I still have to upload that “art portfolio” of us four… soon.), but I’ll admit, I’m pretty knowledgeable in the area.  I mean, who isn’t, when they’ve pretty much grown up staying late on Friday nights watching Smallville?  I don’t know why they have to air it at 11:00 at night D; oh the trouble.

And for those of you silly people out there who have not a clue about what we’re talking about – Smallville is pretty much the life before Superman was Superman, if that makes any sense.  It’s got Tom Welling as Clark Kent, Justin Hartley (OM NOM NOM) as Oliver Queen/Green Arrow and GUESS WHAT!? It has Jensen Ackles in it for a bit too (: (check seasons 3/4… that’s off the top of my head so I’m not ENTIRELY sure about the season  3 part.)

Anyway, for those of you who are REALLY silly and don’t know who he is – let me grace you with his angelic face ^^ (I'm totally fangirling)


This comes from my folder of GIFS where somehow I’ve accumulated at least 250 images – I somehow find uses for them.  That second one is the wallpaper on my phone.

I should probably tell you how awesome he is in his main TV series Supernatural.  But it’s 9:43am and technically I should be sleeping.

Don’t be expecting much from me in the next few weeks.  I’m kind of busy with sleeping, and Sims playing (I accidentally lent my Dragon Age cd so that’s out of the question), baking cakes and reading.  OH THE JOY.

Oh well, I’m OUT.


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Seven hours of Smallville.........still going

You know you should never eat corn on a cob while you're on the computer...just in case accidentally spray corn juice all over the computer screen.  Just a heads up

that's ridonculous!

so, my brother's new joke:

"In the beginning, there was God. lololololol."

Yep. I was just as shocked as you are. I mean, in America, he would have been put on a stake and burnt by those guys in pointy white hats by now.

But really, it's not the first time he's said some religiously blasphemous (is that unnecessary double wording?) stuff.

Alright. I can't remember the others right now.. but when I do...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

There is a limit to how much Dragon Age you can play

My God.

I no longer have ANY internet at home.
Nope.  Not even dial up.  Just no internet.
The lack of internet has turned my life into a nerdfest of hours spent having 'Smallville' marathons and reading 'Teen Titans' comics.  
Posts obviously will be limited to when i do have internet access, ie.  while working in my mum's shop.  Which by the way, is not particularly fun especially when you don't get paid and when you have to deal with annoying customers and you're just not a particularly sociable person....
hmmm look at that shop, all the lights are off, the door is closed, and there's sign on it saying 'sorry we're closed'.  Well that shop is obviously OPEN. Lets go in when we can the see the shop keeper is clearly about to leave.
I've decided i'm better suited for jobs involving manual labour.  Like lawn mowing.

Oh yes, another creation of boredom.  Stargirl, the all american superhero that no one seems to know about.  Drawn of course from the picture in the DC Comics Encyclopedia so yeah....
Not so sure as to why there are all those black shadows on her back....

Thursday, January 6, 2011

I must be some kind of psycho. I mean, psychic.

So I was at a supermarket, and carefully examining the toothpaste, when some shelf stocker said

"think the 12 hour protection is the one you're looking for." With an Irish accent.

"oh yeah?" what was he? some kind of super-employee-of-the-month?

"use it myself." and smiled toothfully. gross, yellow. not exactly the best advertisement for the toothpaste. and then, for some reason, I am looking at the toothpaste box, and there is a clock with every hour showing a feature of the paste.

"and what happens when you oversleep your 7 o'clock alarm and brush too late?"

-he looks at the clock too-

"I guess you'd miss out on the plaque removal then."


Oh, did I mention this was a dream? And I guess I shouldn't be too surprised, after all, this happened in Pak'n'Save.

But the weird thing is: There IS a clocky thing on the toothpaste, and the 7:00 one IS Remove build up Plaque.


I would have announced myself a mystic right then if it weren't for the fact that I remembered reading it the day before.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

It's that time of the.. Year!

There's something insanely funny about 4am.

So we were up, watching some New Years Show. And somehow, all three of us were lying on the carpet looking up at the TV, actually crying from laughter from the song playing, the Coke, the pee-incident.

Pee incident? What is this, you ask?

Well. My New Year's Eve included our guest's kid (3 years old. "adorable".) running to the bathroom but not quite making it.

Will saw it first hand.

.... *kid pattering*... "Uh - oh." And you know something's wrong if it includes little kids and bathrooms and "uh-oh"s.


So this, including the song and the Coke (which, as a side note, my mother pronounces as Cock. no kidding.), we were hysterical.

No drugs needed.

Where was I going with this again?

Happy New Years!

Well folks, it’s that time of the year again, when people make promises to themselves that they fail to keep and use the first day of the year as a supposed turning point in their lives.

Or if you’re like me, it’s just another excuse to stay up late and eat lots of food.

But, seriously.  I don’t know about you guys, but I get serious about the whole ‘new years resolution’ thing.  I’m quite the lazy person, so it’s a good excuse to get off my arse and try and do something good for a change.  If you think about it, a ‘new years resolution’ isn’t really much different than your ordinary goal, except that it has that one year time restraint thing going on. (Gah, I’m starting to sound like some old fart.  Meh, but this is me – my serious, ambitious side).  I know I’m making things sound a whole lot more serious than they probably are, but I’m somewhat of a control freak.  No, that’s not the right word… Actually, I don’t know what to call it.  I just like to make sure that' I’m setting myself up for the future.  Some people say ‘Oh you know, live in the present’, ‘You’re only a teenager – it’s all just the drinks and the parties’.  But it kind of makes you think.  So what happens after that whole charade?  After you’ve drunken away your teenage high school years.  What happens next.  (Yes, I get all serious and crap when it’s close to 1 in the morning)  I like to know that I’m doing something for my future right here, right now.  (I have no idea where I’m going with this)  Maybe this is just me giving you all an explanation on why I’m not big on the parties, the drinking, the guys – why it appears that I”m just some closet geek studying at all hours of the day.  Hell, what am I doing. 

Guys, I’m slightly delusional or something so I think I’ll just stop here: Make a New Years Resolution and STICK TO IT.

Oh yeah, Happy New Years too.

I seriously feel like I’m meant to be going through a mid-life crisis or something D;

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