Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tumblr is DOWN.

Hey Guys,

So it’s officially the first day of summer vacation for us, unfortunately the sun didn’t get the memo so it was all grey skies.  And just to top it all off, my dear friend and life source Tumblr, is down.

Now I knew this was coming.  Hell, the banner at the top of my page had been warning me of the coming ‘maintenance’ period but I didn’t know it would take that long!  It’s been more than twelve hours and still no Tumblr for me.  It was working this morning.  Kind of.  This leaves me bored and tired and frustrated because I spent a whole day doing chores instead of Tumblr.  But, I guess all I can do is wait… and rant.. which is what I’m doing. 

I think I wrote a blog early on about how awesome Tumblr is.  It is truly awesome when it’s up and running. 

I usually don’t condone real life friends/people I hate getting Tumblr cause I pretty much spill my life’s secrets and creepy fetishes on there.  But heck, there is only one person in the world who I’d hate to see my Tumblr – and I’m pretty sure they’ve already seen it.  So here’s my link – you’ll be needing it after you join because YOU WILL BE JOINING.

me; http://vaccuumshateme.tumblr.com
pri; http://kissmeimgujurati.tumblr.com

other notable people to follow ^^


there’s more.. except I don’t know them off the top of my head and i can’t just check tumblr because NO.  BECAUSE IT’S DOWN.  YEAH THAT’S RIGHT.


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