Monday, February 7, 2011

It's disturbing I know

On the topic of Greek myths, here's a particularly disturbing one.
We've all heard of the minotaur right?  Body of a human, head of a bull?  Yeah well how did the minotaur come to be?  That's right - bestiality!!
No joke, Minos was fighting with his brothers for the right to rule Crete, so he prayed to Poseidon the sea god to send him a white bull as a sign of approval.  Minos was supposed to sacrifice the bull in honour of Poseidon but he decided to keep it for himself.  Engraged, Poseiden made Minos's wife Pasiphae fall in love with the white can see where this is going can't you?
Pasiphae asked Daedalus (the guy who later built the labyrinth) to build her a hollow wooden cow for her so she could.....with the bull......nine months later, voila! Minotaur.
Great story huh?  Imagine reading that in kids myth and legend picture book when you were eight....

Also, I don't suppose you know the origins of Aphrodite the goddess of love and beauty?
Lets see, who was her father?  Well she didn't actually have one because when Zeus took over Mount Olympus from his father, he castrated him (that statement in itself proves how messed up mythology is).  Anyway, brace yourself.  After Zeus castrated his father he threw his genitals into the ocean - the foam and blood from which Aphrodite was born.....disturbing much? (that's where you see that famous painting of a blonde woman standing on a clam shell, floating to land?)

There's also a particularly disturbing story about the origin of the almond which perhaps i'll post later, though I do warn you, you'll never look at an almond the same way again.


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