Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Canada pt 2
So here the living situation. We're staying at my Lola's sisters place and it's just her and her husband. The houses here are so WEIRD! They're really narrow and like 20cm between them. You look into the backyard and they have their own square little gardens.
The showers are pretty random too. Just thought I'd put that inthere.
Woke up at about nine thirty today, didn't have lunch till two and we left the house at like three. I don't know what the plan is but we're going to like the CA Tower or something? Me and rach saw it when we drove in yesterday - it's like a big Auckland Sky Tower.
I love it here. They love to recycle which is GREAT. We drove past a big recycling plant and they have all these recycling bins everywhere. I love it.
I also love the people here. They're all so nice, well except for that bitch ticket lady. And there's like all different nationalities and everything.
There's a blid dog at my feet. He's so pretty and well behaved, I really jut want to pat him, but you know - you can't pat a service dog ! NGAAW he's so cute. Oh damn, he's off now.
Their fashion is really laid back here. You know how in NZ you see chicks walking around with expensive clothes all up themselves? Yeah well you don't get that here.
I'm so bored. It's pitch black outside cause we're underground. You can't see the pretty scenery. It is really pretty here. Like everythings so GREEN and the sky is almost cloudless and BLUE! And it doesn't get dark till like tenish cause it's like the peak of summer. I love it here. It's a bit humid though :/ but all good, the sun's nice.
OMG they have Oreo ice cream sandwiches.
Anyway, I better go, it'll be our stop soon. I really want to know who actually reads this... Facebook wall post me if you do kay? I don't care if I like you or not, or if I even know you - TELL MEEEE !!
Love you all,
ruthdanielle ♥
Canada pt 1.
So I pretty much just woke up after a good twelve hours of sleep. We'd been travelling for fricken 30 hours and I didn't have time for Internet at the other places cause I was either sleeping or eating... The airplane food was sick. It actually was inidentifylable. The sausage might as well have been flour and the egg looked like fricken CHEESE. Not impressed. And the water in LA - disgusting, we take our Wellington water for granted kids, Wellington water is DELICIOUS !
So the LA flight was maybe 11 hours? Watched four movies, slept half an hour. Hah I cried in Dear John, damn Channing Tatum is fiiiiine, cried in PS I Love You, that movie gets me everytime. Cried in Precious ~ self explanitory that one.
Okay so here's how it is.. Me and my sister have to share a bed which is almost a double but not quite for ten days. I don't know how that is going to work but it will.
Breakfast time! I'll be posting later after the days events.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Oh MY GAWD. yay . hehe .
*clap clap* . hehe
and poster and badge available for sale :)
poster - $ 3
badge - $2
The Ventures of - RuthDanielle
Hey look, the enter button worked. Ew, I think I'm gonna have to sanitize my hands after this. The keyboard is all oily and everything. I can just imagine some fat person sitting at this chair eating thier oily bacon and eggs and wiping it allover the keyboard. There's a sight for you.
Okay, so the enter button doesn't actually work, I just get by with using the mouse to click down. So what are you all doing right now? School? Oh wait, school hasn't started yet. You know I got up at five today. Great fun that was.
What to write, what to write.
I guess that's all for now. Have fun with school guys.
I'm OUT.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
i’m so mature ~ excuse the spacing and extra stuff, just copy and pasted it
Ruth-Danielle Santo Domingo Benitez karen, that brother of yours. freeaaaaaaak.
53 minutes ago · Comment ·LikeUnlike · See Wall-to-Wall
Ruth-Danielle Santo Domingo Benitez
RAAAAAAWR *digs sharp claws into girl like features*
*Your Pokemon Ruth was confused and ripped off her hatless snake by accident*
Ruth-Danielle Santo Domingo Benitez
*william hurt herself in confusion*
Poke trainer Ruth sent out the pokemon Eric Chin.
Ruth has a miss-carriage, GO Wayne Kerr!
Ruth-Danielle Santo Domingo Benitez
Trainer William has run out of useable pokemon, and he blacks out and cries all the way to the nearest POkecentre but trips on a diglett and cries to his MOMMY. He also gives PokeMaster Ruth all his money because he is an EPIC FAIL.
Poke-Trainer Ruth carries here only two pokeballs Wayne Kerr and Eric Chin with her hatless snake in shame after getting caught entering a strip club for men only.
Ruth-Danielle Santo Domingo Benitez
William Zhang enters an exclusively female stripping joint and goes unnoticed.
Ruth aka Rostitute, gets put in jail beacause he claimed he was a female prostitute
Ruth-Danielle Santo Domingo Benitez
william zhang gets his period.
1 person ·
Ruth-Danielle Santo Domingo Benitez
I'll throw my period at you!!!
Ruth-Danielle Santo Domingo Benitez
*shoves used tampon down opponent William Zhang's throat*
yes that's right, I WENT THERE.
shuttup gurl, i win already.
In his last strugle, Player 1, William Zhang reaches for Ruth's backpack and surprisingly pulls out her plastic dildo. With his last ounce of strength William stabs and mortally wounds Ruth with her own penis.
Ruth-Danielle Santo Domingo Benitez
William Zhang fails to realise that Trainer Ruth has been using her alias and her true form emerges from behind and stabs him in the back with a fork. Mewtwo wins again loser.
William Zhang springs out of the bushes and strangles Ruth with a branch while Ruth realises that William has used a ninjustsu that used a wooden substitute
Ruth-Danielle Santo Domingo Benitez
ruth AKA the greate mew two summons all pokemon to kill william zhang who ends up surrendering because he wet his pants.
William Zhang tears of his pants that were wet by Mewtwos blue blood and straps on a bunnairy as slingshot killing all of the opposing pokemon
Ruth-Danielle Santo Domingo Benitez
mew two regenerates and laughs at the pantless william zhang.
Mewtwo chokes on his own saliva and William skins her and makes a pair of overalls, WOS LAUGHING NOW!
Ruth-Danielle Santo Domingo Benitez
mew laughs in the corner, who recuperated the soul of mewtwo and is now ONE with the ruth.
Mew strugles to realise that the person in the mewtwo suit is William Zhang and becomes a servant of him
Ruth-Danielle Santo Domingo Benitez
mew snaps out of confusion and uses flamethrower.
William Zhang finds a sleeping Luxray and uses it for cover of the pathetic ball of water
Ruth-Danielle Santo Domingo Benitez
luxray is confused and kills him instead.
G A M E O V E R.
credits roll ......
ruth skips across the screen laughing at the poor william zhang who is unable to recuperate at the pokecentre.
william zhang, time of death; NOW.
you just lost the game loser.
Ruth-Danielle Santo Domingo Benitez
Ruth-Danielle Santo Domingo Benitez
Ruth-Danielle Santo Domingo Benitez
someone just lost the game.
Ruth-Danielle Santo Domingo Benitez
and her name is william zhang.
Ruth-Danielle Santo Domingo Benitez
Ruth-Danielle Santo Domingo Benitez
she just wish she had a hatless snake like mine.
Ruth-Danielle Santo Domingo Benitez
Ruth-Danielle Santo Domingo Benitez
game over kid.
I see your stuck for words
Ruth-Danielle Santo Domingo Benitez
Ruth-Danielle Santo Domingo Benitez
Ruth-Danielle Santo Domingo Benitez
william wins, and his prize is a trip to the moon but engine failure took his life on the return journey. may he rest in pieces.
I won the battle.
Ok, was watching C4 with the 'rents. How cool am I? Mostly, my role was switching channels as soon as er, more adult videos came up. (I realise that I fit into the child category and my parents as the adults, but you know, they need to be protected too.) But it seemed alright. Michael Jackson, tick. Lionel Richie, tick.
And then, guess who's new music video featuring Usher came up? And my parents knew.
Mom: "That's the young Canadian boy who came to New Zealand right?"
Dad (who is less current with these things and quite clueless): "Boy?"
Ah, my parents.
And some more jabs. So, in the video, the girl comes out behind him right?
in an alternate universe, that convo may have gone...
Mom: "Who's that girl Karen?"
Dad: "Which one?"
Mom: "Is the girl supposed to be his altar ego?" (As a second language speaker, she doesn't quite get the meaning of altar ego)
Dad: "Yeah, probably." (Equally clueless, yet so so amusing.)
My parents are the greatest. It must be genes. That would explain it (aka. me)
Who's the worst teacher at our school?.
Oh. Something bad could happen to me if I said. I don't know actually, all the bad ones have kind of left anyway. Comment to say which ones you hate ~
What's your most embarassing moment?
Okay so no one bothered to answer this one SO i think i'll have to. To be honest, I don't really have embarrassing moments, well not embarrassing enough to be considered ridiculously embarrassing SOOOO. Sorry, pass.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Things that make you go WTF?
And on a related matter, studying the Bubonic plague, the information came with a picture of a hill and some flowers. What the hell does a daisy have to do with the Bubonic Plague??? Can you imagine just what kind of minimum wage worker would be dumb enough to insert a picture of a hill with the greatest plague of all time? Maybe if you took a laptop to the checkout at Countdown....
Alright, that had almost nothing to do with the first thing. Oh well.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
The Cruelty of School Girls.
School girls. They lack the maturity of an adult, though have the power and thrust of an adult. I hate it. You could say it’s rather hypocritical of me to be writing about this, I used to be the catty one myself. But I learnt my lesson, the hard way.
It seems to me that there are those girls who will do anything and everything to get what they want. From the inside, it all looks rather appropriate, you know, ‘just living my life to it’s full extent’. With all this technology to our expense anything is possible. From meeting new people online, to sabotaging people online, through texts, on blogs, etc. I used to do that to people. One girl in particular actually. It’s become a bit of a policy around here not to name any names so I’ll leave it to you to figure it out.
So this girl. It wasn’t a one way thing, we mutually hated eachother and both tried to make eachothers life a misery. You can’t exactly say that there were any ‘winners’ in this little game of ours. We both ended up the losers, living day by day in misery. It was actually easier just to accept our differences and you know what? We ended up being good friends. But that’s besides the point, the thing is, is that we did anything and everything we could, whether it could be morally justified or not, to make the other person miserable. At one point we were ‘gathering our army’ so that the other person didn’t have any friends. You can only imagine how that would end up. Anyway, so that was us, Nobody won. It was just a waste of time really. Though I did learn a good lesson. Bitch fights aren’t the way to go. (p.s. if YOU are reading this then LUVYAH !) So at the end, I realised that I was just being selfish, everything had to be my way and I ended up hurting her really badly. There were a lot of tears and other drama involved.
Anyway, so I think I can say that I’m falling a victim to this again. To be honest, I don’t know what I did to deserve this. But, this time I’m gonna do it the right way. No bitch fighting. No retaliations. I’ll just take it as it comes and hope I can survive. As tempting as it is to go up to her face and slap her. I’m not going to. At one point, I had the opportunity to potentially sabotage this girl. I had access to her Facebook account (no I didn’t hack into it, I didn’t even log in to it) and someone told me that you know, maybe it’d be smart to change her password or delete a certain someone. Oh yeah, this certain someone. Oh golly, where do i START!? ^____^ i think you get the picture… <3
Anyway, back to the cruelty of school girls. School girls got no shame. They will do ANYTHING.
Okay, I’ve lost the emo-tic mood I was in so I guess I’ll have to finish this next time I’m close to tears.
Ah crap. I forgot we stuck the poster on in the Art Room. AH CRAP CRAP CRAP. Dear Miss, please don’t read this ~ oh wait, too late. Don’t tell me that you’ve read it. Like they say, ignorance is bliss.
p.s. i like you.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
This is my favourite song at this very moment.
It’s a bit disappointing that it isn’t Michael Buble, but I’m in a mushy mood and this song very describes me at this moment. If you’re reading this, please don’t come up and ask me what it’s about cause I'm not gonna tell.
But I like this song. A lot. I like Regina Spektor. A lot. As an artist.
Regina Spektor – Raindrops.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Musing from Orchestra.
This is all thanks to my BRILL violin buddy Eleanor. You rock.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
What's the best place near you to get some ice cream?
Thats probably why I am so FAT. O.O
who do you hate the most? Specifically a certain girl in Mr C's form class .
WELL WELL WELL. I don't think she or any other midgets from Mr C's form class read this so I can safely say... LISA LOONG. That's the one you were looking for right?
Saturday, June 19, 2010
What's the origin of your name?
WELL, with the brains of our founder Karen, came up with Oh My Bored, a play on the OMG phrase.
If you won a $1,000 shopping spree for any store, which store would you pick?
is there a shop that sold Cool? didn't think so.
James Bond (ahem, Jaws) - Top 5 Moments
Its just a classic, 'wtf is up with his teeth?'
And instant 'OMG i love him..he'll rip your arm off!!!!'
its sad cz its lyk 'nooooooooooooooooooooooooo, jaaaaaaaaaws!'
but then u just move on ....T.T
he jsut appears out of no where nd its lyk 'woah...dude u were dead
nd then its lyk 'yuuuuus'
its lyk this chic with freckles, and two sticky outy ponytails
nd ur lyk 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw'
nd then they're left in outer space nd its lyk 'wtf 007, f*n take the with u!!!!!'
nd then ur all depressed lyk until there lyk "two ppl have been found NASA is going up to get them..."
nd ur lyk BOO YAH
the best mo is defnitly the bro
its lyk evil guy: kill her with this gun
maori evil henchman: nah bro, i'll jsut use the laser
we were watching this nd lyk "hey that guy looks maori...'
yes this is what happens evry saturday nite at my fun
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Beware When You Walk Off the Train.
Wait. During the night only. Or if they're in a corner or something.
Sooo. I was waiting for my aunt in the car, tinted windows, so I decided to watch the people coming off. One woman, in a dress suit and carrying a laptop case and all, decided that while no one was watching, would casually pick her nose. Well, someone was watching. Too bad I couldn't video all this.
Another man, from a distance, I thought was a walking rectangle. He was wearing this floor length coat, which just really looked like a giant carpet wrapped around him. UGLY. I almost opened the door to tell him. Almost.
Which brings me to when a bunch of schoolboys walked off. One, I thougth was a crossdressing girl, since there was this weird hip swinging going on. It was my brother. hahaha.
Some guy/girl?? was wearing a raincoat, for the invisible rain, of course, and holding a rolled up newspaper, so there was sort of a Grim Reaper thing going on.
Wonder what people think of me when I walk by. Probably something like, "OMB, how cool is her animal hat/fairy wings? I'm so jealous of her audacity." Yeah.
Yes I am a no-life. And YOU MUST WATCH THEM cuz I am pretty sure it will make you laugh . if it doesn't... then... euh.... dots dots dots.
This is from mychonny :) All his videos are pretty much SO FUNNY. Check him out if you like him . lol
Check also nigahiga :) HE IS SO FUNNY :)
For some reason I can't post him video here. but check him out :)
Movie review - Dear Jonh
1. HOW THE HELL DID THEY FALL IN LOVE SO FAST !!? I know, I know it's a movie. but still >.<'' its like WTF.
2. Jonh is SUCH A DICK. on his dad funeral he goes to see Savannah, and she just keep on throwing him her problems instead to feeling sorry for him ==' and HE KEEP ON WANTING TO KNOW if she still loves him! FOR CHRIST SAKE YOUR DAD IS DEAD and You think that love is more important ! WTF is wrong with you !!!?
3. At the begining you thought HE'S DEAD. but then later in the movie you realise that he is not, and that for once he knows that his dad loves him so MUCH. but NOOOO! He end up going to see Savannah on his dad funeral. T.T stupid child. Not worth raising.
4. His dad life was completly Jonh's fault. Like COMPLETLY 100%. cuz like Jonh started to be interested in coins, and so does his dad, but then he ditched his dad, and completly shut him down . I mean WTH dude. And he doesnt even take care of his dad. Love is more important than FAMILY. eff you man .
5. I don't even I understand why the movie is called "Dear Jonh" she didnt even wrote that much to him ><''
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
And at lunch? I dodged it. Soo, technically, the bet was done right? Of course not, nothing would sate the vicious thirst of Sopanha's vicious thirst. And then, she punched me again.
After some time, a whip (scarf) fight, and some corn chips later, things were settled.
But the end is near for you Sopanha. Very, very near. Lookkk behiinnnnd youuuuuuu...
:D did you turn? Yes, because you have been warned.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Extreme Sports
Guess what I saw on Chinese tv today? A new sport, maybe you've heard of it, One Legged Girl Fight. No, not a handicapped version of a Justin Bieber video, not at all. Instead, (fortunately?) 2 woman "wrestle" in a ring holding up one leg. They use the other leg to hop, and the one held up is used to try and knock the other girl down. Sounds like something my brother would try, to be honest.
It's not even just a clip of some tryhard invention sport either. It's fully sponsored, fully competitive. There's an official ref, hundreds of fans sitting around waving mini triangular flags, the whole lot. All this, to see one biatch kick another. Man. If they wanted that, you could've just looked up Paris Hilton on Youtube.
And the funniest thing, it's main sponsor? A company that produces educational programs. Because yes, if you use their equipment, your daughter will become a world class leg fighter.
It's what you've always wanted.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Let me take you on a journey
'Close your eyes
And open your heart
Believe in yourself
That's how it starts
Dreams will come true
Just wait and see
Cuz the magic's in you
And the magic's in me
We are the (.....)
We are the (.....)
Come join the club
We are the (.....)
Magical flowers
Digital powers
Rhythmn and tunes
The sun and the moon
Keep on searching far and wide
For the fire burnin'
Deep inside
We've got the style
And we've got the flair
Look all you want
But don't touch the hair
We are the (.....)
We are the (.....)
Come joing the club
We are the (.....)'
Oh it's like being dunked in a sepia coloured flash back...before realising the childhood show you loved so much was really just a lame remake of W.I.T.C.H.
Prize for whoever can guess what show the theme song is from!!
BlogLight . introducing… ZhangstahGangstahh.
Some people say she’s an autobot, with the capacity of a calculator, dictionary and the typical Beiberfever bedridden fangirl.
It’s clear, she’ll deny it, but Karen has an obsession with Justin Beiber. I haven’t come across anyone who mentions him as much as she does. And her knowledge on the poor kid is AMAZING. She picks up on the details that the naked eye couldn’t. I bet, if she ever came into contact with him, she’d chase him down the street with those 3-inch heels of hers, and her nail him down. Maybe I’m over exaggerating. Maybe I’m barely skimming the surface. Maybe no words can describe her obsession with Justin Beiber.
Karen is a fricken GENIUS. You know what? Ever since she came to Chilton I’ve only been SECOND BEST! And you know what’s worse?! I actually have to STUDY to get high grades, she just sits there in math’s class laughing.
That’s another thing. Her laugh. It’s craaazy. And she does this weird hand flapping gesture with it as well. Crazy girl she is. She’s got other random mannerisms too. Like thumbs up. And the whole hands to the chest/boob area. Of course this is her own hands on her own chest. Wait, this is starting to sound wrong. Let me start that one again. Okay, so whenever Karen is somewhat flattered, she does this whole ‘oh thankyou’ / *sigh* then she puts her hands against her chest like you do when you sing ‘i love you, you love me, we’re a happy family’ < yes I was an avid barney fan >. And she does this aaaaall the time. We make fun of her for it. Anyway. I hope you get the picture.
Karen is like, the queen of sarcasm and put downs. She’s like everything your primary school teacher tells you not to be. She so quick with her words and her putdowns. AND yeah.
BAdmintooon sleaze. This chicka is like the Leonardo da Vinci of badminton. I love being on her team, at least then I don’t have to play against her. Man she could whip yo’ASS anyday.
I can’t be bothered writing more soooo I’ll leave you with this.
A lithargy (I don’t know what this word means but it sounds cool) on Karen Zhang, Mr Burrows style.
Does anyone else not see this as just another portal for old men/hormonal teens to stalk girls/sell weed/talk about their unfulfilled needs? *shudder* And Videochat. Smart. Now, you take away the someone you can't see to give details to someone you CAN see. And I'm not sure that's even a good thing.
And the name? Sounds like a chess team mascot. Omegle.
And you go on to talk right? "Asl?" is not talking. In real life, do you ask people you just meet "What's your age, sex and location?" No! And also, please! Omegle is not a dating site!!! Don't try to make it one: "Wanna go out?" =.= Go out, half way around the world. Sure.
Ruth Danielle Santo Domingo Benitez...well
Well to start with, i guess its unfortunate that her parents didn't put her full name on the school application form, cz she gets so many would be quite hilarious
1. She is a smarticle particle , always getting E's in math and science, but ever so modest about it..but secretly she wants to go up to us and say "OMFG, I GOT EEEEEEEEEEE, IN YAW FAYCE SUCKAS"...but of course she manages to keep it together. She also is the only Yr 11 person in her art history (i.e. Artistic porno) lucky her and she is an awesumful debater, with her cool ass q cards she shows me last spell on Thursday in ICT
2. She will always been the most artistic person i know and every time we do projects, everyone wants to be with her because she makes it looks really good and (see point 1) and likes to sew herself the randomest stuff to wear
3. She's really f*n sexy and has a cool style with her drwn on chux (that she loves so dearly) and her waistcoat. and of course her millions of bows (not as many as sop though). and i always am jealous of her eye makeup and how she can be a camera whore and still look good
4. One day i met her at the overseas terminal at the carpet expo..just had to mention that because i haven't seen anyone else there i know...
5. Ruth also is rather in love wit Pokemon and is destined to be the next misty in the new Pokemon series. Ruth also loves Star Trek and Star Wars and Freddie Mercury and Italian smilies
6.She also loves Mr Buble, who none of us knew before we witnessed her ground breaking stop motion..something else she is good at...check her out on Youtube
7. Ruth loves her family and always comes to me with stories of her dad..RIIIIIIIIIICKIIIIIIIIII or her sister asking if she shud poke her tongue out at people
8. Ruth obviously loves her Asianess and wears it proudly..across her face...because thats wat Asians do...okay
9. she also has been known to randomly poke her tongue out at you wen ur not looking..especially i math class
10. Number 10..well this is meant to be the best thing about Ruth..which is probably that she's my friend/Asian groupie/Star Trek Wars buddy/Sitter next to in ICT/Math buddy/sort of Science buddy/all round coolio person and i love her so much!!!
Okay, im sorry this article is riddled with spelling errors..but this was pri, talking about ruth..over and out =D ♥♥
Friday, June 11, 2010
"What a surprise." Quote. Add in a sarcastic, spiteful tone, and you get the reaction of my math teacher to my excellent score. Such great encouragement. If I had any shame, I would seriously consider doing not so well.
And also, teachers that only tell you about more work just when you thought you were done? There should be prison sentences for that. And the ones that tell you you'll fail without doing anything about it. If we're going to fail, why don't they DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
I'm so aggravated. If you combined me with a thief, we'd be convicted of aggravated robbery. I don't know what that is, but that's what it would be. Yup.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
who is this " i.♥.Sheldon " person !? O.O
What can I say about Pri ? more like what CAN'T I say about Pri ?
And yes, in the near futur my dear friend here, WILL marry Sheldon ! All the Sheldon fans out there please give up . We all know that he belong to Pri. :P She is by FAR sheldon's BIGGEST AND MOST CRAZY FAN. like not even kidding :O don't believe me? just look at her facebook page, FULL of THE BIG BANG THEORY but mostly SHELDON :) Aren't I right ?
You see, Pri is THE MOTHER OF ART. For real . She can come up with the MOST CRAZIEST & FUNNEST (is that even a word? meuh) IDEA EVER ! Now tell me that's not ART ! I mean dude Art is all about imagination, and my friend here is THE MOTHER OF ART. XD like her idea of having the primary house music with 3OH!3 SONGS ! BAHAHAHA. it makes me laugh just imagning it about it. All those little kids in black with dress with a tights undernearth :P Believe it or not, she even have the choreograph. See ? A TRUE MOTHER OF ART. XP
To concluded this :
PRI IS A PLAYA. <3 We all still love her hehe
SHE IS VERY LOUD - well who isn't ? right ? lol
SHE HAS AN OBSESSION WITH TBBT O.O - but we all got use to that . :D
Well this conclusion isnt very good. >.<''
and I LOVE YOU MAH LOVER.!! XD just in the futur if you are going to cheat at least keep it a secret . lol :)
PS. sorry if theres A LOT of mistakes, mind you it's 2 am . so DON'T BLAME ME. BLAME IMSOMNIA. xD
* Insomnia *
So recently I've joined the table tennis team. Probably most of you think its so EASY. well BAD NEWS for you, it may look easy but DUDE it's so hard. O.O I mean how hard is it just to get the ball over right ? Well VERY HARD. I mean come on that girl that came to our school make it look so EASY ! but NO. UGH. *sigh* maybe it's because I need to control my anger because I swear I hit the ball too hard everytime. well yeah . as you can guess by now, I SUCK! T.T but at least we won a game . . . by default ! XD still we won . well at least Karen did. and Shweta would as well I suppose :) This paragraph doesn't even make sense, but hey it's 1.09am so don't blame me. :)
Okay, now what can I write about ? O.O
Okay got it. People who are like ''brb'' then 1 hour later they are back ! =.='' WTD. Be right back means you are gone for 5mins max people ! 5MINS !! GEE. whats the point of saying ''brb'' if you know you are going to be gone for 1hour + and if you didnt know, at least say ''sorry'' after or something. >.< My worst experience was waiting for someone for 5 hours ! Its like WTD. They come back every 30min to say ''wait brb'', so I kept waiting until I realised it's been 5 hours. >.< MY GAWD PEOPLE!
If you are one of those people PLEASE STOP DOING IT !! >.<'' IT DRIVES PEOPLE LIKE ME CRAZY. ! TSK .
Or those people where they are online and then when you talk to them they go offline. --' no it's not like I don't know you appear offline or anything . FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. why can't you just ignored the message or just lie, why make things so obvious ! >.<'' STUPID. and then when you appear offline, they appear online, and then you are like '' BITCH !".
wait does this only happen to me ?
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Lets be vegetarians
Have you ever watched meat cook?
Like actually watched it??
It is the most grotesque and revolting thing I have ever seen.
First there's the raw pink meat that sizzles on the pan, making specks of oil spit out at you, and then as it cooks all the blood oozes (OOZES!!!) out from the meat and fills out the little ridges in the flesh of the meat making the whole thing look like pale meat with red zebra stripes.
And after all of that, your end result is a brown lump that remembles human skin....
.....think about that the next time you eat steak
Sopanha Kham
Sopanha Tutenkhamen:
She counts in Cambodian
Thinks in French
And speaks in English
It is none other than our orange cupcake hating, broadband consuming, manga crazed multilinguist Sopanha!!
That’s right ladies and gentlemen, she’s fluent in THREE languages (most of the time) and is the pinnacle of imaginative creation and short attention spans.
Even though Sopanha has three cell phones, you would not txt her as none of them are EVER on or have any credit……EVER. And there would be no hope of contacting her via facebook or msn because her internet quota will have run out….after two weeks – it’s all those illegal movies she’s downloading.
If I’m being totally honest here, my first impression of Sopanha was ‘emo’ (she was wearing fishnet sleeves and heavy eyeliner, what was I supposed to think??) but within the first five minutes of meeting her, you will know that Sopanha is the bubbliest, most cheerful person in the history of all that is bubbly and cheerful.
(conclusion missing as I fail in essay writing)
This profile tells you almost nothing about Sopanha (good English skills again) but there you go.
Beating the Smart kid at Something
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
One day I’ll patent this.
I assume that all italian men have moustaches. Therefore, Freddy Mercury is Italian (inside joke so don’t laugh).
={) ~ happy italian man
={D ~ extremely happy italian man
={( ~ sad italian man
...={> ~ italian chicken
;{l ~ suspicious italian man
={o ~ shocked italian man
={S ~ confused italtian man
B{) ~ cool italian man
X{) ~ the X) face on an italian man
:{B ~ buck toothed italian man
:{U ~ talking italian man
*:{) ~ italian man with rose on head
<:{) ~ italian man in party hat
>:{( ~ angry italian man
(}: ~ backwards italian man
c):{) ~ italian cowboy
c(:{) ~ italian farmer
d:{) ~ italian skater
K{) ~ old italian man
E:{) ~ italian man with fringe
:{♥ ~ italian man kissing
:{d ~ italian man trying to lick food out of his moustache
@:{i ~ italian man with turban on head.Italian man with...
MOOBS! :{D-[3
as you can see, I am thoroughly entertained by this :{P
Step Four: Men and Women (also Part One of many)
Par exemple:
Interesting isn't it? All the horrors of being a girl, started by males...great..just great
Monday, June 7, 2010
Want to learn a new word?
SEXOTIC. Don’t ask me how I learnt that one. Well actually, I’m gonna tell you anyway.
While casually browsing I came across Kevin Jonas. You know, the uglier one of the trio.
Anyway, this is what popped up…
Extremely talented, gorgeous, sexotic, and all around awesome! Paul Kevin Jonas Jr.
You wouldn’t be able to see it, but Windows Writer has underlined the word with a red squigly line. How these girls (pressumably girls, or gay guys… actually i have a story about that one.. ) come up with the word i don’t know…
Actually. Lets look it up eh?
combination of sexy and exotic
Oh golly, I never would’ve guessed.
Haha. I though I’d share some of the other descriptions of Kevin Jonas…
A sexy ball of talented curls.
"That boy resembles such a Kevin Jonas!"
"His hair is soooo Kevin Jonas!"
"I want to f__k Kevin Jonas."The hideous lead guitarist of the brainwashing boy band "The Jonas Brothers."
the least popular jonas brother. everyone is sure he is a fag. he straightens and perms and curls the crap out of his hair and one day it will explode. he tries to act like his younger more popular brothers, but all in all, he is a fail.
Poor boy.
Sorry, this blog somehow ended up slightly R-rated. Never doing that again.
Bloglight => ringaringarosie
What can I say about Rose that won't turn out like I'm the best man (girl??) at her wedding?
Haha. Rose and wedding. The fact that that's funny MUST say something.
We've known each other. WHOA! 5 years now. Kinda. And we've had some pretty kool times.
1. Cards. Rose is a FANATIC. She even owns some poker chips. We play Cheat sometimes, and with another unsuspecting girl who doesn't realise by sitting on the table, we can see her cards.
2. Overwhelming Guilt. Guilt makes Rose special. Her conscience is so overbearing, I reackon it's whats behind her chest pains. Not her bags, not at all. "Oh no! My parents must look after my sister for a day! I shall DIE from the guilt, because that's not their job AT ALL."
3. Her acceptance. Spending so much time with me can't be a good thing, whether it's seeing the pink window from a particular spot in the classroom or my horror at her placing her apple on the disgusting table, only to pick it up and EAT IT a minute later. But she takes it all in stride. What a great person. (If you disregard her sarcastic comments on my behaviour.)
4. And finally, even if I don't become World Overlord, I implore whoever that does, make Rose their Jester. Or Rubbish collector. It's actually pretty likely I won't. I'd probably be too stoned.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Eenie Meenie
An example of the. Huh.. EXTRAORDINARY lyrics:
She's indecisive
She can't decide
*hits head with palm dramatically* that means the SAME THING! What has our society become, if we must say everything twice to get the message through? She's indecisive? If you can't choose which way to sing it, you must be too!
And basically plagiarizing a nursery tune? Not surprising really. Justin probably remembers it well from his kindy, which he had graduated from a few days ago.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
I just found out, thanks to my good friend Tumblr that Sir Ian McKellen is gay – yes that’s right. Gandalf.
Korean Fans.
People TRAMPLED a fan, just to increase their chance of getting to hear the same songs they listen to on their iPods, ogle the same people they ogle on the pictures on the iPod. Jeez.
And it's not even little girls screaming for Justin Bieber. My mother and her friends have even been pulled into Korean superstars. Even my own father.
"Karen, did you hear about the girl that died getting a ticket at the Expo to see Super Junior?"
"...Dad. Since when did you know about Super Junior?...."
"They're the bunch of boys that you watch youtube videos of right?"
"~Coz I can't stop thinkin bout you~...."
My mom: "Hey look! It's Hangeng!"
Here is the part I walk to the bathroom to throw up.
Let me spam your page; 10 Movies You Should Never Watch
Need I say more? Ew, I just watched Robert Pattinson confess on the EllenDeGeneres show that he has nits. Lovely. *pukes* I don’t see the potential in casting a hobo in a movie, or in fact casting a movie that involves some pastey, socially inept girl with an obsession with her bloodsucker boyfriend. And what’s worse (Robert Pattinson’s laugh pisses me off, in the ‘it’s really cute but i hate him so i have to hate it’ way, did you know he did ballet until he was 10?) I used to loved the whole vampire/werewolf thing. You know, with the whole Underworld scene and that other movie which I forgot the name but it has Ryan Reynolds and Wesley Snipes… UMMMM.
The Informant (2009)
Now first of all, it’s got the one and only Matt Damon. Now naturally I wouldn’t be repulsed by such an actor, but ever since Math Damon… well… But even if you are a big Matt Damon fan I definitely don’t recommend this movie. It’s like… Monday assembly, it’s only purpose is to torture you till the very end.
I Know Who Killed Me
I haven’t actually seen it. But I saw it in our shelves. Lindsay Lohan.
This dog can’t dance. And the voice of Miley Cyrus annoys me.
I don’t get it. So the guy died. Where’s Gerard Butler?
Sorry, I’ve lost all inspiration. Maybe I’ll finish it one day. Maybe I won’t. n_n
I hate this cow.
Okay, so I was flicking through the TV channels today and came across C4 as you do. I almost puked at this.
This is actually disgusting. Who the hell does this girl think she is? Besides the fact that little kids look up to her (screwed up kids they’re gonna be when they grow up), she CAN’T PULL IT OFF. It’s like some try hard Michael Jackson ^God rest his soul^ mixed with Lady Gaga. This stupid Milly girl can’t do it. SHE JUST CAN’T AND SHE FRIGGIN PISSES ME OFF.
On the other hand. This boy stole my heart.
I feel bad because I don’t contribute enough..
Did you know it’s illegal to slurp soup in New Jersey? I guess that means it’s illegal for Asians to eat there.
I don’t like asians. Nahh, kidding. I love Asians.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Not all Chinese people look the same.
Quote From Me to Rose: "Hey look! It's Jackie Chan!"
These two quotes are very similar (ok, so they're exactly the same) but one is ok, and one it not. Guess which one is NOT OK?
It's the first. If you didn't get it, you must be retarded. If you did, you must be either a stalker or.. well. i'll leave it at that.
Why isn't it ok? 1. The FG quote demeans Chinese people in that White people can't tell the difference in facial features of Chinese. 2. The second is ok because I said it.
And when Pri calls me Rose? It's half ok, because she may be an Asian, but obviously not a very good one.
"Hey look at that girl! It's Justin Bieber!"
i have to go now, because Rose is paranoid and the schoolvan is going to leave without us....=D
Cross Your Fingers
Brings a whole new meaning to crossing your fingers for Justin Bieber.
An Overheard Converstation
G2: OMG waaaaaat?!!
G1: you know this chic
G1: wel she totally takes all my clothes
G2: OMGeeeee
G1: well wen she comes to my house, which is lyk aaaaaaaaaal the tym, she lyk totally takes all my shit
G1: so she as all of my shyte at her house
G2: wat a loooser
G1: nd then, i realised that she totally took a pair of my knickers (um no comment)
G2: =OOO
G1: nd then im lyk 'biatch, can u giv them back??', nd then she totally did, but the wrong pair!
G2: wait, so she brought her own undies??
G1: no, they were another par of miiiiine!
G2: why did she have pairs of ur knickers?
G1: weeeeell (okay that didnt happen, was implied)
okay, this all happened while i was in the changing room, i change alot quicker now...=D