*excuse me while I go empty my stomach contents*
Ok, was watching C4 with the 'rents. How cool am I? Mostly, my role was switching channels as soon as er, more adult videos came up. (I realise that I fit into the child category and my parents as the adults, but you know, they need to be protected too.) But it seemed alright. Michael Jackson, tick. Lionel Richie, tick.
And then, guess who's new music video featuring Usher came up? And my parents knew.
Mom: "That's the young Canadian boy who came to New Zealand right?"
Dad (who is less current with these things and quite clueless): "Boy?"
Ah, my parents.
And some more jabs. So, in the video, the girl comes out behind him right?
in an alternate universe, that convo may have gone...
Mom: "Who's that girl Karen?"
Dad: "Which one?"
Mom: "Is the girl supposed to be his altar ego?" (As a second language speaker, she doesn't quite get the meaning of altar ego)
Dad: "Yeah, probably." (Equally clueless, yet so so amusing.)
My parents are the greatest. It must be genes. That would explain it (aka. me)
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