Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Crazy Parental Moments
Well the other day we were having a family viewing of Harry Potter one, (i.e. nothing else was on TV except Meet the Spartans...) and it was the part where Harry gets his new broomstick. As soon as Hedwig brings the package I exclaim, "It's Harry's new broomstick...the something 2000...", and almost immediately after my dad exclaims the Nimbus 2000...3
Is it normal that parents know those things???
Parents...never fail to amuse
for a long time now, my parents were not aware of this and lived in blissful harmony with their supposedly "good kid".
The other day something came up and they forced me to tell the truth as they had been hearing me talking to someone at night time. this was obviously my mate calling me. As human instinct called, I lied...but my parents were smarter than that. 'It's a boy isn't it?' they said, ever so confident. of course I couldn't deny it anymore. And they knew exactly which boy as well...
Parents continue to freak me out...
how they know I have know idea...
I think I want to be a parent just to learn their secrets...
"Hey Girls!"
Monday, December 27, 2010
Song of the Week
HELLO! I’ve finally got something more modern…
Flight of the Conchords – Pencils in the Wind
These guys are hilarious.
Lives are like delicate pencils
If you push them too hard they're gonna break
And people are like paper dolls
Paper dolls and people, they're a similar shape
Hmm hmm hm
Love is like a roll of tape
It's real good for making two things one
But just like that roll of tape
Love sometimes breaks off before you were done
Another way that love is similar to tape
That I've noticed
Is sometimes it's hard to see the end
You search on the roll
(search on the roll)
Search on the roll
(searching round the roll)
Search on the roll
With your fingernail
Again and again
And again and again
And agaaaain.
Brown paper, white paper
Stick it together with the tape
The tape of love
The sticky stuff
Brown paper, white paper
Stick it together with tape
The tape of love
The sticky stuff.
People people
Brown paper, white paper
Paper paper Stick it together with tape
Paper paper The tape of love
People people
People people
Pencil pencil
Pencil pencil
Paper paper
Put the pencil to the paper
Give the paper to the people
Let the people read about the sello tape
Oh baby baby
Bret: You know, Jemaine, I've been thinking about love.
And I guess it's the very strongest adhesive.
Jemaine: Oh sorry, Bret. Were you talking to me? I was humming.
What did you say?
Bret: Oh, just... nothing.
Brown paper, white paper
Stick it together with tape
The tape of love
The sticky stuff
Ooh brown
Brown paper, white paper
Stick it together with tape
The tape of love
Say it
Stick stick
Stick it together
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas Readers!
Hey guys, it’s Christmas! Here’s a lil personal message because it’s Christmas and I’m feeling nice and yeaaah.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
It would be funny if it wasn't me
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
blargh. where to start?
Monday, December 20, 2010
what do you think of marley wildish?
shes pretty annoying and totally U G L Y and I hate her voice and her hair and her face .... LOL just kidding. She's awesome.
Song of the Week
This week I haven’t had the luck of any modern music – again. Today’s song is:
A Little Priest – Helena Bonham Carter and Johnny Depp, Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet St
So it’s a bit twisted this song. Actually, the whole movie (or originally stage show) is a bit twisted.
Basically, the story follows a barber (Sweeney Todd, Johnny Depp) living in London with Pie Shop owner Mrs Lovette (Helena Bonham Carter). Pretty much, he slits the throats of the men he shaves and Mrs Lovette uses the meat from his ‘customers’ in her pies. It’s all quite gruesome really. Not for the faint hearted. But being the strange person I am, I kind of enjoyed it. And so I bought the soundtrack.
And that, my friends, is why it is on my iTunes (bad English?)
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Movies...but only two because i'm poor and can't afford more
I found this movie rather pointless and decided that it should be rated AO because it is too complex for people like me and my best friend, those of whom have low attention spans and sit through movies saying “What just happened?” and “Who’s that guy”, or maybe just people like me that say “OMFG THAT GUY’S INDIAN…RERESENT BRADA!” So only watch this movie if you have a long attention span and actually care that the Mark Zuckerburg character was blatantly stolen from the most talented, incredible, amazing, fantastic, smart, attractive SHELDON COOPER.
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
I didn’t really pay attention to this movie because I was too busy looking at HOW HOT EDMUND AND CASPIAN WERE…OMFG THEY ARE SO HOT. The movie was quite consistent with the high quality set by the other two movies, but I don’t understand how the director overlooked the two books that weren’t made into movies, The Horse and his Boy and The Magician’s Nephew. Í also don’t understand why in this movie, Lucy has a sudden low esteem and thinks that Susan is beautiful…all I think is that she needs a trip to the orthodontist. But oh well, back to CASPIAN AND EDMUND…WOAH. Watch it…it’s definitely worth it….♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
READING...a special blog for all those book clubbers reading
These are a series of four books which I got from the ADULT SCIENCE FICTION section…jealous? Who cares about what the books are about, they’re from the ADULT SCI FI section…chur
I haven’t actually started reading it but I would recommend it because the pages ends are green…which is why I got it out…GGGRRREEEEEENNN
Dan Brown
Author of The Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons, both crap movies but amazing books. I recommend you getting not only two copies of the book but the movie as well, and then proceed to give one copy of the book to your father. Read the book then have daily nerd conventions at the dinner table about the flaws in the book. Once the book is finished, watch the movie together and then you can say “That wasn’t in the book!” every five seconds TOGETHER...isn’t that lovely. You see Oh My Bored is against family violence and promotes bonding time…because it’s not okay.
Other TV shows...yes i watch things besides J.S....
Phineas and Ferb (Disney Channel)
Seriously…WHO DOESN’T LIKE THIS PROGRAMME (if you don’t, let me know where you live so I can get my people onto you xp). If you do intensely enjoy P and F, feel free to visit www.kissmeimgujurati.tumblr.com, for more…and refresh compulsively to boost up the hit counter. My personal favourite characters are Baljeet and Beauford…a match made in heaven, the nerd and the bully, and of course, Baljeet REPRESENT BRADA. And I also enjoy seeing Candace’s boyfriend Jeremy, voiced by the most attractive and talented Mitchel Musso ><
Live at the Apollo (Comedy Central)
L.A.T.A. is a stand up show performed by first class comedians at the Apollo Theatre in London, England. I must let you know, if you watch this program and then go to one of my stand up shows, (-_-)you will probably hear recycled jokes from that program…JK I would have been on the episode of L.A.T.A that you watched! Me and my family continue to hold weekly viewings of this programmes and although sometimes it does get a little awkward, Dad always manages to lighten the mood by expressing such quips as “Do you think his grandma’s listening?”
Futurama (Comedy Central)
This program has been around for a while but I have only got around to watching it now…the holidays are an amazing time of year, introducing you to things you would have never done before. It’s basically about Leila, a Cyclops chic with purple hair who captains a crew consisting of Fry, your average dumb human; Dr Zoidberg, a squid thing; the Professor, an old man who i swear will die any second; Amy, the token Asian; the random Jamaican dude and Bender, a robot designed to bend things…and that’s it, they explore the universe looking for stuff to do, much like myself.
How It Should Have Ended (Comedy Central)
H.I.S.H.E. is one of those random programs which air in the ad break, and basically takes popular movies and changes the ending so it makes the directors think that their ending was crap. My personal favourite was the Star Trek one, where Kirk decides to turn Starship Enterprises around straight into a black hole, but unfortunately as soon as the ship comes out; it is blasted by Darth Vader (cue deep breathing)...guts for them. For more, visit www.howitshouldhaveended.com
Mythbusters (Discovery Channel)
My love of Mythbusters began in Year 7 when Mr Bajema showed us pirated tape recordings of the science related program to ease the stress of school. The Mythbusters take everyday myths and unrealistic YouTube videos and try to prove or disprove them. I recommend this show if you enjoy explosions, physics and a redhead doing lame accents.
Jersey Shore (MTV)..yes, i went there sista
MIKE “The Situation” is probably the most mature person out of them all and is a good leader…to herd up all the girls when they get drunk in the club. The Situation also has tank abs (YOU GOT NOTHIN ON ME PUNK) and has a nice face; not attractive, just one that you can look at without puking, unlike the others…
NICOLE “Snookie” has nice hair but an ugly face. She also left her boyfriend when she came on Jersey Shore which was dumb because he called one night telling her that he had cheated on her…dumbass….or stupidhead, as Snookie likes to say
VINNY is probably the most attractive out of all the Jersey Shore people…and that says a lot…A LOT....BEACAUSE HE'S NOT VERY ATTRACTIVE
JENNI “JWoww” has big lips and big boobs…you can’t see or hear anything past her boobs and her lips so that’s all I gotta say about her.
PAULY D has rank hair…not in a good way. He spends aaaages on it in the mornings and uses probably half a pottle of hair gel…but that’s his problem.
ANGELINA is ugly, has as much personality as a dead fish and is plain dumb. She also has a fringe that brings shame to all people with fringes...*cringe*
RONNIE is fat and thinks he’s real skux but he ain’t….he’s just fat. He also goes out with Sammi, but then goes to the club and makes out with all these girls…DESPERATE
SAMMI “Sweetheart” is the nicest out of all the Jersey Shore people, maybe because she wears glasses, which makes her seem remotely normal. She goes out with Ronnie, but has no idea what goes down when he leaves her to go to the club…maybe she’s not as smart as she seems…

Awake from hibernation...back from the dead...
Thursday, December 16, 2010
so then do you like your tumblr or blogger site better?
Well, we as 'ohmybored' don't actually have tumblr. It's an individual thing. But on a personal basis, I think Tumblr takes the win.
diS maeks Mee s0und lyKee Ae reTaRD
'hEy ther d00d. wutt Yew uPp teW?'
Don't get me wrong, i use txt language like everybody else but this really is taking it too far.
Tew? TEW?! What the hell?! You just used three letters to spell a two letter word!! Doesn't that kind of go against the whole 'shortening words to fit in a txt' thing?
And random capitilization? There is no need to put capital letters in the MIDDLE of a word!
Let me just clarify, dude has the SAME number of letters as dood except that dude is an ACTUAL word. This also applies for 'wutt'. And yew? It's a species of tree for crying out loud!
And a note to those others who txt like this.
You sound like a retard who can't spell, pronounciate, or use grammar correctly
Monday, December 13, 2010
Song of the Week
Okay guys, I’m trying out this new thing where every week I share a song with you guys. I’m going to try and make it as random as I can so I’m putting iTunes on shuffle and we’ll see what comes up. I promise to put it up no matter how outrageously embarrassing or strange it is.
Um, let’s just see how this goes…
Okay so random song of the week is:
Frank Sinatra – That’s Life
And this is one of the reasons why I don’t let people listen to my iPod. I hate those kids who’ll just take out one of your earphones and stick it into their ears. Mainly because they’ll be smearing all their earwax onto them, but also, it’s kinda embarrassing when they catch me listening to music that was written more than half a century ago. I can’t say that I’m quite in tune with mainstream music..
But anyway, no matter how ‘modernized’ or ‘mainstream’ you are, you haven’t lived if you’ve never heard beautiful voice of the late Frank Sinatra. It’s magic.
And yeah.. Maybe next week iTunes will whip up something more modern .. Maybe.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Hey! You from Paeroa!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Just so you know
- The Telephone
Invented simultaneously by Alexander Graham Bell AND Elisha Gray except Bell was the first to the patent office.
- Apes
- 'Playing video games rots your brain'
- Fortune cookies
- The seven deadly sins
- Brass instruments
- 'You're brain is more active when you're sleeping than when you're watching TV'
- A Coward
- The Mad Hatter
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Tumblr is DOWN.
Hey Guys,
So it’s officially the first day of summer vacation for us, unfortunately the sun didn’t get the memo so it was all grey skies. And just to top it all off, my dear friend and life source Tumblr, is down.
Now I knew this was coming. Hell, the banner at the top of my page had been warning me of the coming ‘maintenance’ period but I didn’t know it would take that long! It’s been more than twelve hours and still no Tumblr for me. It was working this morning. Kind of. This leaves me bored and tired and frustrated because I spent a whole day doing chores instead of Tumblr. But, I guess all I can do is wait… and rant.. which is what I’m doing.
I think I wrote a blog early on about how awesome Tumblr is. It is truly awesome when it’s up and running.
I usually don’t condone real life friends/people I hate getting Tumblr cause I pretty much spill my life’s secrets and creepy fetishes on there. But heck, there is only one person in the world who I’d hate to see my Tumblr – and I’m pretty sure they’ve already seen it. So here’s my link – you’ll be needing it after you join because YOU WILL BE JOINING.
me; http://vaccuumshateme.tumblr.com
pri; http://kissmeimgujurati.tumblr.com
other notable people to follow ^^
there’s more.. except I don’t know them off the top of my head and i can’t just check tumblr because NO. BECAUSE IT’S DOWN. YEAH THAT’S RIGHT.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Insanely large lingerie
And when i say humongous bra, i mean literally as big as i am, perhaps even bigger (i was torn between staring and covering my eyes in shock).
Maybe it was a promotion of some sort......yes, i'm going to stick with that theory and you should all do the same.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Happy Birthday!
Today is our dear Sop’s sweet sixteenth! And so I made this for her… LOL i love making a dick of myself.
p.s. this is actually my serious face.
who am i?
Who am I? Who am I? I am the guardian of lost souls! I am the powerful, the pleasurable, the indestructible Mushu! Oh. Ha, ha. I'm pretty hot, huh?
- Mushu.
Sorry, had the sudden urge.
What is it with us and porn?
Monday, November 29, 2010
where do babies come from?
Well, when a man and a woman love each other very much they write a letter to the baby factory who then deliver a fully customizable baby to them.
Where do you think babies come from dumbass?
I just wasted twenty minutes
Even though it's technically still study leave, i have no more exams so to me it's the holidays. This means i spend an exponentially large amount of time watching Disney Channel - that's right, Wizards of Waverly Place all the way!
Ahem. Anyways, just thought I'd share with you a list of good movies/books to watch/read in the hopes of converting more of you readers into geek/nerds who stay indoors all the time (and it's the holidays soon).
Moulin Rouge
Genre: Romance/Musical
Sweetest movie ever, will make you cry from both sadness and happiness unless you have no heart like Karen
Genre: Action
One of those all round movies that kinda have everything in them without being tryhard
Just kidding
Remember Me
Genre: Romance/Drama
Even though it has he who will not be named in it, still good, and as the movie goes on you start forgetting it's him which makes it all that much better
Resident Evil
Genre: Horror/Sci Fi
Not really scary, just really cool. Lots of shooting, and dying, and zombies...
Skulduggery Pleasent - Derek Landy
Don't laugh, I swear this book is amazing and hilarious even if it's target audience is ten year olds - crime fighting skeleton detective, heck yeah
Paper Towns - John Green
Funny, sweet, good stuff
Maximum Ride - James Patterson
Kids with wings, sci fi without the nerdy aspect and really funny
The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins
Fricken amazing, like an action movie but a book. Set in the future but like the past? If that makes sense. Just read it
If You Could See Me Now - Ceclia Ahern
Same person who wrote PS I Love You. Soooo sweet and funny and kinda magic and...and.....awwwww (read any of her other stuff too, also amazing)
So there you go. Don't flame me if you don't like them, they're only suggestions.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
ohmygod Tag Photo for Dragon Age
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
My Mental Safari.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
The Hunger Game trilogy [spoiler]
But that didn't really bug me as much as the ending . the ending . WTF man . So here I am reading the last chapter thinking, so she's mentally unstable and peeta is hijacked. what a great couple. I actually expected to read about peeta and Katniss love life & not how she's really CRAZY. and then the ending phrase ""you love me, Real or Not Real", I tell him, "Real"" thats it . that how much Suzanne talked about Peeta and Katniss love life . Man . What is THIS !? that's how she confess her love !? ==' there's no happy ending at all . Oh yeah I forgot to mention, not only they are both mentally unstable, they also have burns mark everywhere ( well almost)while Gale is as handsome as always . Then I thought wait, theres still the epilogue :D maybe Katniss & Peeta love life will be in there eventhough its only 2 pages . :D
AND THEN ... disappointed ... All she talk about is how she is going to tell her kids about her involment in the hunger game and the war . ==' JEEZ Women. Are you ever truly happy? ><'
Well it goes in order The Hunger Game,the best book, then Catching Fire, and then Mockingjay. The trilogy as a whole is AMAZING.
If you read the Hunger Game trilogy, formspring us what you think about it. :)
Here's a funny thing Ruth made up about PEEta & KatNISS, their couple name would be PeeNiss. :D hhahaaha .
that's all from me. :)
Good use of study leave....
Saturday, November 20, 2010
How to ? :)
I'll just you some of the things it can do.

VOILA :) I hope you guys like this post because yeah . :) Merci !
Thursday, November 18, 2010
So lately, I’ve been having these random creativity big awesome ideas. Usually I get the idea, think of how awesome it is, but then kind of forget about them and it’s like whaaaaaa…
BUT! I came across this genius note pad that I got for my birthday last year. It somehow found itself at the bottom of my drawers… Anywho, it’s a pretty cool little note pad. It’s from Smiggle, which I’m not really keen about, but other than that it is the perfect companion for the creative soul. LOL that’s cheesy.
So this is how I spent my study leave…
<can’t be bothered inserting picture so I will paint a picture in your mind with my words.. neh. can’t be bothered again.>
But that’s not the big thing. The HUGE thing is me doing a makeover of my room. But I can’t be bothered elaborating cause I’m tired and a lazy ass.. but guys, lets party.
LOLZ. overload. sorry guys. I’m in a random mood right now O.O
Channing Tatum: Demon Barber
Such was the case at the mall today. NONE of us could remember who the Demon Barber from Fleet Street was.
So, we had to make up some prompts. A? B?
No. But we were so close to the name, so we headed off to the movie store. :/ No luck there. But we did find the Dane Rumble cd. Or do I mean Shayne Rumble? Or Dane Bond? <= In joke.
Well. We tried our nerdiest friend Rose. NO REPLY. Our second nerdiest friend. NOTHING EITHER.
So, feeling the loneliness birds inside a hollow place of ourselves (POO) we walked back to school and googled it. Which felt a bit like cheating to be honest. EH whatever.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
Meh. This is why I hate myself.
So, as you probably know girls and boys, it’s exam season again. It’s that time of year when it’s practically the holidays except not. It’s that time of year where all that slacking off that we did during the year has finally caught up on us. And of course it’s that time of year where procrastination is at it’s peak, or well for me at least.
It’s study leave right now. Of course. And I probably should be studying right now. Of course. Buuuuut, who ACTUALLY studies? NO actually, bad question, I’m pretty sure a lot of you out there study and you’re just reading this because you’re on your short little break or something. Am I right, or am i RIGHT?! Nah jokes, I’m probably wrong but yeah whatevs.
So today’s Monday right, and it’s the first day of exams. I was one of the lucky people to have TWO exams. Yay me *claps*. Art History was first. This was the only exam that I’ve been dreading cause I hate studying for it and it is probably the hardest exam there is around. Except, it wasn’t meant to be as hard as I made it. You see, through out the year we’ve been told that we’ve had to write five essays. So I’m like writing like crazy right, and I’m onto the last essay when I start reading the instructions on the papers. Hey guess what.. you only have to write three. Yay. I probably just shot myself in the foot by writing four crap essays in place of two insightful and wonderful essays. COOL. JUST BLOODY FRICKEN COOL.. And so yeah. There goes my hopes and dreams of ‘Ece-ing’ (that’s such a lame substitute for Acing) all my exams. Plus, these are Level Two which means I probably could have put the credits to good use. Ahh, it feels good to rant to complete strangers.
Maths was good. Too bad I don’t bloody need the maths credits.
And yeah. That’s it for now. I thought maybe you readers could use a new post. Unfortunately this is the best I can come up with..
Saturday, November 13, 2010
-evil laughter-
Thursday, November 11, 2010
please could someone explain why a random just advertised de-erection products to us.
I wish I could explain that... best educated guess? spam.
Ok from facebook I know u have been online so could u just Fukien update already
learn how to spell. and then we'll talk.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
I totally screwed up the template.
Don’t worry. I’ll make an uber awesome one once exams are over. Or should I just leave it as it is? Formspring it.
http://formspring.me/ohmybored (hah, dunno if that’s the actual link so you’re safer typing into that little box on the right>>>)
teachers. HMMM…
Hey Guys,
So I guess an apology is due right about now for our apparent lack in new posts. SORRY! I could say that we’ve all actually just been really busy with our overly committed lives buuuut, that would be lying. To be honest, we’re just a bunch of lazy asses overcome by lethargy. I don’t think that actually makes sense…
But, here’s the post you’ve been waiting for. It’s not that great cause I’m not the best writer, I’m more of an essay writer - a boring one at that.
Anyway, (you’re gonna hate me for this), Dragon Age. NO WAIT, DON’T STOP READING. I promise I won’t ramble on about how awesomely awesome this game actually, truly is (it’s reaaaaaally awesome xD). I thought I’d blog about how weird, almost creepy in fact, it is that our teacher (or rather former teacher) is about to get into it. Like, I get it; Single, geeky, middle aged man = video game freak. But honestly, DRAGON AGE ?! Of all games, WHY !? I’ll be honest, it’s an awesome game that ANYONE can get into, buuuut… It suddenly reduces the enjoyment of the game…
I guess there are a few things that you should actually understand about Dragon Age. It’s R16. The age restriction is there for a reason;
Mature Audiences: Blood, Intense Violence, Partial Nudity, Language, Sexual Content
Blood is understandable. Killing isn’t satisfactory without the blood. (Video Game killing I mean…) And Dragon Age is awesome because the blood is actually simulated and shows up.
Intense violence. Well, that one’s pretty much the same. As well as Language. It’s not even hard out swearing, just words like ‘bloody’ and stuff like that.
Partial Nudity and Sexual Content. Now this is the part I’m worried about. Personally, I think the game would still be awesome without all the uhh.. to put it plainly, sex. I didn’t even know that was part of the game! But then you start running into brothels and there are assassins hitting on you as well as some bastard prince and next thing you know you’re in a tent doing it while the big evil guys could be there any minute to kill you. (Luckily they don’t show the actual… y’know..) I don’t really get the necessity of it…
So as you can imagine, it’d be awkward if your teacher plays through the game and comes across such scenes. The partial nudity is practically everywhere. There’s Morrigan, who’s boobs are barely hiding behind a drape, and heaps of desire demons who are pretty much in minimalistic underwear. Emphasis on the minimalistic. Oh, and of course can’t forget the Broodmother. She has eight boobs. :)3333 << kind of like that but like, saggy-er. But there’s nothing there that’s actual explicit or anything, so no, this isn’t porn.
Luckily for us, we don’t have to run into him for another two three weeks cause of exams. And then after that never again, unless it’s one of those awkward walking-through-the-mall-avoiding-eye-contact moments. But as of now I’m dreading that last day of school. I can just feel an awkward conversation coming up. REALLY awkward.
But yeah. So, if there has to be a lesson learnt, it’s this. Never ever ever discuss video games in front of your teacher. EVER.
I hope that’s satisfactory for all you HATERS out there.
GREY WARDEN OUT. LOL. Just kidding.
Friday, November 5, 2010
blegh. Blame computer games.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Times when the only appropriate smiley is =.='
Watch this.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
I accidentally drank dishwashing detergent. Is that bad?
Well it depends what kind of dishwashing detergent that is. Some dishwashing detergents contain chemicals that are bad for the body - no kidding. Sometimes, dishwashing detergent is more harmful to the body than even bleach or Easy Off Bam (god I hate that ad). So if I were you, I'd be very stupid to drink dishwashing detergent. But I suppose I should be helpful... not that this was a serious question to begin with... but I guess the best thing you can do is flush it out of your system so drink heaps of water or milk; they always work best. Or better yet, go see a doctor.
I decided to answer a quesiton properly for once. This is boring. :/
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
Why do a lot of your answers not make any sense?
Well.. you see... It seems that I'm the only one who regularly checks these formspring questions so I'm the only one who really gets a chance to answer these questions. Lately, I've kind of just been addicted with this game I came across, Dragon Age: Origins. And then, my friend, that's kind of just what I relate everything to now... You'd understand if you knew the amazingness of the game. Play it. I dare you.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Why? (with a "hwi" sound)
Why do you ask me such questions? I do not probe you for pointless information, do I?
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Yes, I created a quiz and answered it myself.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Why does my shampoo have formaldehyde in it?
technically the holidays only began today seeing as the weekend doesn't count......
.......already chomped up sixteen hours playing Dragon Age.....
.......watched the entire first season of The Big Bang Theory.....
......had a serious conversation about shampoo with my reflection......
.......you think i'm kidding don't you?
.......oh dear
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Have you ever been fired? If so, why?
Funny story that. I was walking through a flaming doorway, and then I got on fire. Then, I had to shapeshift into the flaming man. AND THEN, of I course I was on fire.
this blog seems quite well, dead, please post something, i am reduced to doing homework o_O
Yeah, well, I don't see you out there slaying Darkspawn... I'M A LEVEL 13 MAGE !! bitch.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
You know you're ASIAN when....
Calling your pet for dinner has an ENTIRELY different meaning.
Your parents were always disappointed you didn't become a doctor.
You know that Indians are in fact, Asians too.
People automatically assume you do martial arts.
Your last name is Wang, Park or Patel.
When White people try to pronounce your name, they put on an accent that makes them sound constipated.
Your parents tell you to lose weight so they can save petrol.
When you go a White friend's house for dinner, rice is served.
You carry chopsticks with you everywhere for reasons above.
You're the only one able to pretend you come from a different country and speak no english when a substitute teacher is in.
You can pull off the emo look naturally.
When your face is pulled back, you still look the same.
You haggle for toilet paper.
You can navigate through Chinatown by smell only.
You use the same pen until all the ink runs out. All of it.