Friday, January 14, 2011

Zachary Levi sings–MY MIND IS BLOWN.

I know I said that you wouldn’t be hearing from me in a while – it’s been an hour since I posted that.  And in that space of time I’ve been on Youtube listening to Zachary Levi sing.

For those of you who don’t know, Zachary Levi is Chuck and he is Flynn Ryder/Eugene in the new Disney movie Tangled.  He’s got a singing part in the movie and it’s actually AMAZING.  You know, Amazing like puppies being born type stuff.  Seriously, I NEVER KNEW HE COULD SING!  It’s hard to imagine Chuck singing right!? Okay so I thought I’d spare you the pain and here are a few videos..

Okay, so his voice is officially added to the list of men with beautiful voices – currently standing at 4: Michael Buble (WOAH DIDN’T SEE THAT ONE COMING), Darren Criss, Jensen Ackles and of course Zachary Levi.

And why not throw in GiFS of each of them just cause I can.  I told you I find uses for them.



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