Monday, May 31, 2010

Thimble for your Thumb

Just thinking, while in a below average ict lesson, why are thimbles called..well thimbles??
Is it because they go on your thumb??
So, if you put it on your pinky, it becomes a pimble??
Interesting isnt it...?

Bad Insults

Some people need to figure out what words actually mean.
Seriously, being called a gay ass faggot (excuse my language) is the same as being called a happy donkey pile of sticks.  Ot if you wanted to take it the other way - homosexual donkey homosexual - did you just called me a homosexual twice in one insult?  A word that isn't even an insult to say, I don't know - homosexuals?
I'm sorry, I digress

Ah yes, bad insults - when an insult is just made of swear words.  What is the point in that?  Proving you're able to use mono syllabic words?  Well done you're more intelligent then I thought you were.
Oh, and the F word.  Geez!  When someone shouts out 'F you!' It's the equivalent of 'Sex you!'...


What a great insult, I'm really hurt.

Anyway I think this is becoming too rant-ish so I'll stop now before I insult someone (badly used pun)

Saturday, May 29, 2010


I just don't see the appeal to spoofing. Masses of viewers will track them on Youtube, but for what? A crude, manipulated version of something they've seen already? Excuse me, but to me, that's just plagiarism.

The makers of the spoofs are just as bad. Are they so uncreative that they take the time and effort to find alternative words for song lyrics? Or do they just have too much time. I never thought it could be both a waste of effort making something and a waste of time to see the effort, but now, anything is possible it seems.

Even the changes they make aren't that great. Replacing New York with New Dork? Insulting AND dumb.

Did you know that Weird Al first tried to make it but epically didn't as a respectable artist? And now, he is a sham.

And now a Justin Bieber analogy. Parodies are like a girl trying to be like Justin Bieber but growing a moustache in the process. Got it all wrong, and you were closer before you tried.

Step Three: Parents (Part One of many)

I am currently sitting on the computer trying to type up Step 3 on the Road to Enlightenment but am finding it hard to concentrate as my parents are sitting at the table

Having a sword fight

With thunder sticks

Enough said

Just a few minutes they were arguing about the answers to a crossword…this is how it went down:

M: Hmmmm, what's a wild beast

D: What does it start with?

M: G…I got it…goat

D & P:

D: Wait, doesn’t that say wildebeest?

M: Oooh…what's a wildebeest?

D: A gnu

P: Gnu

D: Gnu

M: Are you sure it's not goat?

How do I survive, I do not know…but they do keep me sane, as for my friends

(watch this space!)

Step 2: Asian Stereotyping

This issue has been brought up many times: in movies, on TV, but it has never actually been written out in black and white. I think as an Asian myself; we should rise up and fight against this monstrosity, starting right now

Chinese people are: bad drivers, short and have 2 names i.e. Chinese name and European name.

Point 1: When your driving on the highway and suddenly someone swerves in front of you, after all the swearing the word Chinese usually comes up. No one knows where this assumption originated but it is clearly giving the Chinese a bad name. For example, someone (let's call them X) came up to me and told them she couldn’t get a ride with Y because she was Chinese. What does that imply, that Y will crash, that she'll violently swerve in front of someone, if we asked X's parents, they most likely wouldn’t have an answer to "What's wrong with Y being Chinese?", but it is because of this stereotyping that Chinese drivers are frowned upon. And what about the population of China? Do they not use public transport because of the Chinese drivers?

Point 2: People that think Chinese people are short obviously haven’t flicked through the Guinness Book of World Records…the worlds tallest man is Chinese. Those people obviously haven’t met Dani Xu either

Point 3: Recalling the wonderful memories of a relief teacher in her natural habitat:
Teacher: Are you R?
R: Yeah I am
Teacher: Oh, you're Chinese. I have a Chinese friend, his name is Zephyr. He says it means 'strong wind'. Do you have a Chinese name?
R: Um no
And thank god they don't, rather nothing than STRONG WIND

Indian people are equally stereotyped: they own dairies, their last name is Patel, the men have moustaches and turbans and we play cricket

Point 1: Yes, I must agree, most Indians do own dairies and, I admit, one day I walked into a dairy and there was a white dude at the counter, I had to double take (because he was white, not any other reason) but when people meet me after they ask my name they say, 'Where's your dairy?" But looking at the positives, Indians are entrepreneurs they like to earn money and blow it on trips to India, so shame. Money is an Indian's best friend, who needs dogs and diamonds
Point 2: Firstly I must state, my last name is not Patel so this is an easy argument for me, my last name means 'hello' in Fijian (see Chinese - point 3) Patel is the most common GUJURATI last name, Gujarat being a western (and the coolest) state of India. Not all of India is made up of Gujaratis, but we are slowly taking over the world, one dairy at a time (see Indian – Point 1)

Point 3: Most 'westernised' Indian men don’t have moustaches and only Punjabi men wear turbans…that's all I have to say about that point and that moustaches do not make men look handsome.

Point 4: In the great words of one of the greatest minds of our generation 'I can be Indian, see I play cricket!' Cricket is one of the most popular pastimes of the Indian nation and the national team is well respected throughout the world, even though some of them are (from personal experience) unsocial snobs.

Step 1: Global Supermarket

While I was at Pak'n'Save, I was intently thinking (wow, I know) while I was trying to manoeuvre the stubborn trolley (just missing an old lady and little boy), the world is like a supermarket…

America is the junk food section: packets of lollies, chippies and all that warm, flat soft drink

Africa is the midday hot food section, with those crazy turning chickens behind the counter (what's up with that??)

Europe is the snobby gourmet/diet/gluten-free section where it's really lame and boring but for some reason everyone goes down that aisle at least once

Antarctica/The Arctic is obviously where they keep the milk, ice cream and random 'heat and eat' meals

New Zealand (Australia who?) is the parts of the supermarket where the floor is all worn down from people walking, you got your bread, pick'n'mix and toilet paper (why are grandparents obsessed with buying toilet paper?)

Asia, speaking for itself, is those crazy sale bins at the ends of each aisle, with those mimungous "SALE 50% off!!!", "Buy one get one free", "LIMITED OFFER!" (Even though they'll put up the same sign next week)

And to get from aisle to aisle we need them trolley airplanes, some of which do get hijacked (take that how you may). So there you have it, a step of my experience to become Buddha, the Enlightened One.

On the Road to Enlightenment

Hey fellow bloggers!!!

I'm Pri, the newest author of Oh My Bored (and proud!)
Proud to be:
  • Asian
  • Gujurati
  • TC (Tangerine Cologne)
  • Infamously hated by teachers and relief teachers alike
Hope you enjoy my blogs...give me feedback..ok..sweet as mate

Friday, May 28, 2010

Teachers Who Don't Know Their Place.

I'm pretty sure that Child Harassment is not a part of the job description, but it seems some teachers like to think it was.

"Not everyone can be a freak like Karen." Maybe somewhere deep, deep inside the insult, there was a compliment. But really, you'd have to go very, very deep. And this, from a teacher who can't even say penalized correctly. Peenalized. Weird.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Drainage Systems.

I would really love to slap whoever it was that invented drains. What a dumb idea!

Before drains, you could drop a coin, a ring, whatever small and round, and you could sigh in relief that it you could retrieve it. But since then? No, that coin you were going to buy a cookie with? Gone, forever. And the sickening plop sound it makes when it falls in completely, a perfect representation of that feeling in your stomach shriveling up in sorrow.

Without drains, we would never have had to go through those silly movies where the protagonist lost valuables down them, and then, disregarding crocodile sewer "myths" would go climb down after it. EVERYONE knows you shouldn't. But still, they do. All because of the damned drain.

And flooding? An urban legend now, sort of like Justin Bieber's masculinity. No more can we stay home for the day, just because of a few centimetres of water. There is officially nothing to look forward to now when the piss comes down.

When will all the injustice end?

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


What's worse than having real exams? Going to a school that not only has practice exam, but also, practice FOR the practice exams. :/ And on top of that? Individual tests for the practice of the practice for the practice exams. Can you imagine a conversation just before one? I can. And I'll share it with you. (Oh, well done. Of course you're going to share it. What would the point be in not? You lunatic.)

"So, economics exam tommorrow."


"Which one? The real one, or a mock?"

"Pretty sure it's a practice for the mocks."

"Ok.. Certain it's not a mock of the practice of the mocks of the exams that are ACTUALLY WORTH SOMETHING?"

"Probably not. Even if it is, does it make a difference? At this rate, one less isn't any less at all."


"I'm alluding to the exams being never ending. An infinity. You know?"

"Nah. Don't do geography."

"Err. Infinity. Like, the sideways 8?"

"Ate? I'm hungry. When's lunch?"

I'm confused now. What were we talking about?

Continuing, and what is with all the opposing statements? One teacher will say it's not important at all, while the other acts as if failing the mock mock mock mock etc.. will bring about an apocalypse and another doesn't even know when they're being held. Who should we ignore? Whose word should we take as law? With so many mixed signals, no wonder kids these days are obese! (Karen, that has nothing to do with it. Of course it does! Confusion leads to low self esteem which leads to eating problems. Oh my! You are smart! I know.)

And who exactly is the blue voice of reason? How should I know? I'm just the persona that types...

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Expensive Anti Aging Cream.

They call it beautification; "scientifically proven' to lessen wrinkles, cleanse skin, suddenly become 50 years younger.

But what it really is is MUMMIFICATION while alive. Egyptians used to anoint the corpses with oil and perfume, using salts to stiffen the skin. Sounds a bit like your mom's beauty regime at night huh? And delaying your skin from it's eventual decomposition? That's called EMBALMING.

And most of the time, you end up looking like a Michael Jackson reincarnation. The ones which pull your face back and close up all your pores so that your face becomes mask like? People will start expecting you to break out into Thriller everytime you go out in public.

And the whole point of it, to not seem so old? Everyone can tell anyway! No 120 dollar lotion will ever make it ok for you to say things like "skuxx" past the age of 16, so stop trying!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

I was bored today.

Since my writing isn’t quite as captivating as my fellow Asian Karen, I thought I’d attempt in entertaining with this…

This is what I did today…

I made this hat.  That’s super warm.  and yeah.


Next project = Pikachuuu Jumpsuit.

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Make sure you put your name :)

Entries close 1st June 2010.

I Swear This is The Last One About William.

Sometimes, a few lines can encapsulate two siblings in a way a lifetime of explanation cannot. This conversation, does just that.

~In our shower, there's a bar above the door, and for some reason, we keep shampoo on it. Today, a Lynx bottle decided to fall off, hitting my head. This was the FINAL straw. (it was also the first, but whatever. it almost concussed me.)~

"William!! Your dumbass Lynx conditioner fell onto my head! Why did you put it on the edge?" What kind of boy uses conditioner anyway? A girl, that's who.

"Well, did it break?"


"I meant the Lynx."

"I meant my head."

"I know. But which do you think I care more about?"

*anger levels increasing*

Don't take this word for word though. A lot of swearing was omitted.

Sweet Justice.

If you had read the Sisters post, you will know that my brother, she-boy, has some anger issues.

But today? LOL, karma hit back.

Since he showers, maybe twice a week, he has received an award in the form of butt rash. And it's hilarious to watch him move.

His butt cheeks can't rub, so he walks like he has something stuck up his butt, literally. Before, it was just his personality that was like that, but now, it's inside AND out.

If you see someone like this in public, laugh. It'll probably be him.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Inside Jokes.

There's something just ANNOYING with jokes that make people around you laugh, but you don't get. You missed a class with them, a party, a facebook conversation, and now you're totally confused when everyone bursts into laughter when "lonely seven" or "tap water" is mentioned.

Well, I have some of my own to share;

My comedian career will probably be as big an intractable quagmire as Justin Bieber's conception.

If Sage in French means Good, then you must not be that in any language.


And Lucy Grenfell? The COOLEST.

Annoyed? You should be.


A lot happens in an hour. A bomb can be dropped. The cure for polio found. A man has a dream.

During Health class, choosing careers? 2 girls plot to open a medical centre where the patients are killed off and a 20 dollar discount given to the families for the funeral home next door.

The girl next to them? Menstruation Worker. Oh sorry, I meant mensuration. (Shh, I meant the first one.)

And apparently, teaching is interchangeable with being a funeral director. Quote "A lot of teachers will get that as a suitable career option." Unquote! Is that supposed to reassure us? That my math teacher could well have been the guy buying my coffin? Or maybe, it says something about US. We are interchangeable, therefore, with cadavers.

Makes you think twice before going to math, doesn't it?

The all forgiving God

You know, there’s something about the Bible that just annoys me. I’m not anti Christian or anything but that book is just….ugh
The whole book preaches about God being so loving and forgiving.  So loving that he banished Adam and Eve from paradise because they ate an apple?! Such a kind thing to do.

Or when he sent that giant flood to KILL everyone because they were eating their food instead of burning it on a pile of rocks as a sacrifice?!

Oh and my personal favourite, Moses. The man who lead the Israelites out of slavery and wandered the desert for forty years? Yeah well he couldn’t go into the Promised Land because he hit a rock twice instead of once.
Gosh Moses, couldn’t you just do as you were told? Then those forty years of wandering in the desert would have been worth it!

PS. This wasn't intended to offend any Christians

Thursday, May 20, 2010


If I ever become a politician, you can be damn sure I'd be one of the corrupt ones, taking expensive holidays with my extended family using tax money, frequenting night clubs instead of working late solving poor health systems.


I'd just be a politician then. (Whoa. Adult humor much?)

And the people who are only able to complain about how badly politicians do their job, and how they could do it SO much better. But come on, if it was that easy, why don't they give it a go? They just don't understand how hard it is being a prick.

And on the subject of adult humor, those Pascal ads about lollies that AREN'T for children? Woooow. It's as mind blowing as Adult versions of Children's books, and we've already discussed how brilliant THAT was. The ads suck too. I get the jokes, but they're just not funny.

But Jay Son De Dildo? Truly magnificent.

Look out for our newest AUTHOR.

We are proud to present, Rose Hu! Specializing in computer hacking, Christianity and overwhelming guilt, look out for her articles!

Woo hoo!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

''Uncool'' kids VS ''Cool'' kids

Tell me . Why does everyone thinks being an ''uncool'' kids is such a bad thing ? Dude we don't get drunk or smoke or get pregnant or doing drugs >< so why is it so bad ?

According to
No-life [noun] : Somebody with no life is one that doesn't value their own time, and so will spend it in ways that even they feel or know are a waste of their time (although they may not admit it).

Sometimes the things we do aren't a waste of times, I mean obviously if we do it for so long we must be passionate about it . Say I meant 2 hours on youtube - it's not a waste of time because we actually learn interesting things, that might or might not help in life. Depending on what we're passionate about . Say you watched a lot of tutorials things, you learnt from that. So clearly its not a waste of time .

Playing games online e.g dota . Yes heaps of people spend so much times playing games online or not. and they are the ''typical'' no lives/geeks . but who knows those people might be an game designer later in life or a professional gamer, just because they have the skills and are passionate about what they are doing .

People who blogs/ spend heaps of time on facebook, that just our ways to communicate, and plus a lot of the artist or young people who have jobs have been found on the Internet - youtube, myspace ect ... and for your edification facebook was invented by a geek or in other word a no-life, so without that ''geek'' facebook wouldn't of existed therefore no one will be addicted to it . This is what no-lives bring to you.

Being a geek/nerd/no-life isn't a bad thing . I mean if we are really passionate about one thing, the more we learn about it, the more practices we have, the more chance of having the skills necessary for whatever you want to be. :)

Just because we don't socialized as much doesn't mean that we don't have the skills to. Just like, just because you ''non-geek/no-life/nerd'' don't developed your academics skills doesn't mean that you can't . So I don't see why people who study are call ''uncool'' and people who socialized are called ''cool''. Actually I do people who socialized play with other people minds. that how drams and things are created but still no reason to call ''geek/nerd/no-lives ''uncool'' . :)

PS. Bill Gates was a geek and look at him now !! :D
Oh don't take this to heart. It's not about anyone in particular. Just in General :) I'm sorry if I offended you in any way . :)


I find that the term "books" is too generalized these days. Miley Cyrus' biography? A BOOK. No, seriously. And how easy is it to write one? Go on a bus, any one, and probably every second person will have written one. Even the bus driver.

And what is with Adult versions of Children books? Take Harry Potter, for example. Oh yes, make the cover black and take out the cartoon and WHAM! It suddenly become NOT a magical story about teenage wizards battling hormone problems and riding unicorns, but instead, a philosophical, intellectual narrative.

But what annoys me the most are audio books. I can understand if it's for blind people, but I really don't see any other point to them. But still, they're bought because "Oh, I can't spare a few minutes each day reading this novel, but I know! I'll purchase a five hour tape of it, read by an aging celebrity, to listen to. Maybe in the car, a great distraction while driving at 100 kilometres an hour on the motorway. Oh perhaps, just when I have some free time. Even though my lack of free time was the reason I bought the tape in the FIRST PLACE."

If you're that kind of person, get off my blog. You're just as bad as the people who watch a movie then read the book, and then complain that they were both the same. Of course they're the same! Just because it's a movie, it doesn't change the plot! What a disgrace.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Aw, Sisters.

I have a sibling, William. He's rather strange. And has anger management issues.

It's rather funny really, because he's always looked like a girl, with his hair all on his head and none on his face. I always wanted a sister, so I give him pigtails sometimes. Mini ones that stick out. It's probably why he so many problems.

Our family went out once, and while I was away, my parents saw some old friends. Upon seeing my brother, they cooed, going "Your daughter has grown up so fast!" Did my parents make any effort to correct them? Maybe because they weren't really sure either.

At camp, I can borrow his clothing, and it's rather horrifying that the chest area doesn't even stretch because he has moobs. Full on. When I go shopping for bras, he gets annoyed that I take so long and complains "What do you need so many bras for? My moobs are bigger than yours." And goes off sulking in a mood, a permanent PMS.

Ah, I feel rather guilty now. He's sensitive about his weight.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Kids Toys.

Supposedly, companies pay good money towards the people who invent kids toys. Whatever happened to hopscotch? Tag? Good ol' imagination?

But now, there's an endless array of different "learning tools". Yes, "educatory toys". Never saw that one coming.

And who was the genius who created toy food? I can see it now - a combover man in a stiff business suit, persuading a table of fully-grown grownups that making playdoh food related is a GOOD IDEA. Because that's what we want for little kids, toxic putty in the shape of icecream. Plastic fries? Great, why didn't we think of that earlier?!

And in the ads, the slogan "Fun to play with but not to eat"? What kid would be swayed not to put the toy in their mouth by that? "Fun to play with but if ingested causes vomiting and likely death" is more like it.

More Annoyances

Percentages. Who even invented percentages? Worst invention ever.

Not only that, but those stupid advertisers who use them to sell their products.

"100% percent MSG free!" Hello? % IS percent. You just said percent percent, dumdum.

"100% Kiwi Lamb!" Excuse me, but if it's totally New Zealand, where exactly does the lamb come in? That means 0% lamb. You're getting no lamb whatsoever!

"100% Gore, 100% Explicit, 100% Scary." Pardon me while I cough - *cough cough, that adds to 300% cough cough*. They couldn't even add? My God.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

I’m so PISSED OFF right now.

Okay, so I practically live in tights.  My black tights.  I’ve got maybe six or so.  But I’ve got a problem.  Just last week, I had to throw away one pair cause they had this big hole from the knee all the say to the top (We got dragged to Lola’s - my G’MAH- - church where they have the most boring sermons that I generated a hole in my tights and it was fun watching the ladders create themselves and one thing led to another…  But it was Mother’s Day, so i guess it was worth it).  And also in that week, I discovered that I’m too tall for some of them now…  Well, at least I hope it’s cause I’ve grown taller… not the other way.  So that got rid of another 3 or 4…  And then TODAY, I’m wearing this newish pair of tights that have holes in the toes (because I fell up the stairs in Greenwood block which was actually hilarious at the time and made me high for the rest of the day) which I guess isn’t THAT big a deal, BUT just before they got caught in some velcro and this stupid HOLE came out of no where on my thigh and it’s slowly growing and I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO!?  I’m think I’m just going to have to try and sew it back together if that worhks…

I’m a sad person right now.

Interview with a gay man.

I couldn't resist. Another Justin Bieber jab.

Me: "So, are you attracted to Justin Bieber?"

Gay Man (confused): "I'm gay."


are you bored ?

Don't you just hate being bored ? some people might say ''when you say you are bored, what you are actually saying is that you are stupid '' well. in that case no one in this world is smart. not even you, readers. yeah that's right I went there . but who am I to say you are stupid aye.

let me ask a question what does ''bored'' actually means ? according to boredom is a state of mind that causes you to read blogs, then follow links off blogs, or just reading people status on facebook then go on youtube and watch randoms youtube's video or in severe cases reading informations off wikepedia for fun <-- what are you !? ><

The truth is that there different type of ''bored'' people. there are those who are exacly what urbandictionary describes. They go on facebook spend 2 hours on it without realizing it. then they go on youtube and that's pretty much it. they might go read blogs. they do this until they think they have something better to do .

And there are some who are bored but end up doing something amazing, for them its not boredom more like a hobby of some sort. follow me so far ? well you should. Those people says they are bored, then they have an idea of something to do, they do,and usually it turns out amazing. its you know those people who put those caption as '' out of boredom''. yes . those people.

& there are those who rambles about randoms thing on the internet (that would be me), you see those type of people don't actually know what they are talking about. like not even a slightest clue. They just type and type and type. They don't execpt people to read but they actually do . They tend to annoy people alot with their ''VERY LONG'' this and that. but who cares.

& last be not least, those who pretty much go online and tell everyone ''I am bored'', you see all they do is complain about how bored they are . like litterally . they are like '' i am bored, life is boring, i have nothing to do '' . These people thinks that by saying ''i am bored'' enought time they wont be bored anymore.

and what is this blog all about ? the truth is I have absolutely no idea.

Friday, May 14, 2010


They're dodgy, they're boring, they're irritating, even when all they are supposed to be is a teacher.

The ones that try to be your "friend". Borders just on the line between Acceptable and Harrassment. They use "street-talk", with an actual hyphen. It's just plain wrong. Can't pinpoint what, but it must be something to do with the fact that if you met these adults outside of class, you'd automatically think "Mid life crisis", "On meds" or perhaps "Serial killer" or maybe all 3.

The real anal ones with anger issues. My God. I'm pretty sure half of them are psychiatric ward escapees. The rest? On parole. "No wristbands!" "It's a watch." Awkward pause. "Take it off. No jewellery allowed." "But it's-" "Off. Or it's detention at lunch." You grumble and their heads whip back, viper tongue hissing. "See me after class!"

Teachers that tell you their life story. "Facebook? Men send pornography to me on that! Ther'es a woman with the same name as me who they're supposed to go to." Disturbing in so many, many ways. 1. You have Facebook?? Gah! 2. Send pornography to you? Gah!! 3. You know the woman they're supposed to go to? Gah!!!

No wonder child delinquents skip school. It's far safer to wander the streets alone in bad neighbourhoods with gang tensions rife than to go to Biology.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Faux Swearing.

People who say things like "Oh my Word", or "Bucket!". I hate those people. They get all bent up over the crap of life but can't even express it properly. I bet their anger builds up in their colons like a giant fart and that's why they're so stuck up and annoying.

And they expect you to do the same just because they're offended. But what about everyone else? No, it's ok for others to be offended. What if I worshipped Microsoft Word, and "Oh my word" was offensive to me?

And that shop FCUK. Oh well done. It's almost a swear word. And what exactly does this have to do with optometry? Absolutely NOTHING. Maybe if it was for dyslexics but even then... Pretty damn ironic.

And when TV shows go "contains language that may be offensive to some people". Offensive to some people? This is a major reason people watch shows containing vulgar language. You don't watch South Park expecting grannies knitting jumpers, chatting about their bowel movement!

It all just pisses me off.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Excuse me.

Well, it goes without saying that Karen has to be one of the best bloggers around.  It’s a challenge to live up to her standards.  So excuse my excuse for a blog while you skip mine and move onto hers. :/


Where did human evolution go so wrong? That fatal gene mutation that created these hybrids known as FanGirls, deadlier than even death itself, which I can assure you, is pretty deadly.

Where do FanGirls originate? Scientists believe they are the result of a gene, commonly expressed as Common Sense, mutating in a new form called Obssessive Hysteria.

FanGirls run rampant in all corners of the world now. All attempts at curing this illness up til now have been futile. Trying to reason with FanGirls is very dangerous, as they are extremely protective of their "precious".

Usual targets of these FanGirls include so called boy "bands", actors and fictional characters. They are easily provoked by other FanGirls. FanGirls show their obsession through ear piercing screams, large posters declaring love and other creative outlets such as dodgy FanFiction and FanArt.

The sickness then turned contagious as mothers started to show symptoms also, in the famous case of Twilight, where middle aged women daydreamt of stalkerish dead guys and vengeful dog men that like little girls.

A current FanGirl issue revolves around Justin Bieber. It is uncommon for FanGirls to obssess over the same gender, but Bieber is an exception to this rule. FanGirls have resorted to theft, harrassment, any means necessary to their personal plans of stealing the objects of interest for themselves.

There are now many subspecies of FanGirls, and their presence is now largely accepted in modern society. But the danger they pose to morality and intelligence still remains.

We were warned.


Accounting . [noun]

1. A subject at school, where you sit and try to listen to a really bad teacher explaining things.
2. A one hour session where you waste your time doing something else but accounting.
3. A subject where Karen is NOT good at.
4. When everyone in the class shouts '' I'm not going to do accounting next year''
5. When the teacher has a history of where she teaches a class, and the next after no one in that class did accounting.

Super Sweet Sixteen . [noun (?)]

1. A birthday party for a 16 years old.
2. A problem that makes the year 11 go crazy.
3. When someone throw a big huge party for their 16 birthday and the 'uncool kid' aren't invited.
4. When you can clearly see the two main group in the year .
5. When one party leads to another. :)

Art . [noun]

1. A subject at school where you die because each things you have to do takes up too much time . 2. A piece of work where you draw/paint/make :)
3. A time to be quiet and focus on what you are doing. well sort of.
4. A time to unleash your inner creativeness . well sort of. not really.
5. One hour spell where you get to listen to people talking about their life ;P

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

If That Was Supposed to be Published...

I guess this was too.

My school. I say it with a lot of affection, like your dead rabbit from when you were 5. One particular thing about it.

Chaplains. A great time for retieing your shoelaces. Really. You're really supposed to take things out of that hour. They talk a lot about this guy, Jesus, for example. I have my own theory about that guy. I reckon he was a vampire.

So, 1. he got everyone to drink his blood so they would all become better like him.
2. he came back to life after death.
3. he can do all these cool things like heal people.

Now what? That's as far as it goes for now. Probably 'cause that's all I know about both these things. I'll do some research. Perhaps.

Another article that I thought I’d give you a sneak peak at…

Okay, okay this is my last post for today :/  Battery life = 13% = 2 minutes or so :/

Well it’s clear, Summer is officially over. It’s all clouds, wind and rain from here on in.  There are no more mini shorts (for the sane people out there), overpriced summer carnivals, numerous days at the beach (I’m not much of a beach person myself, but from what everyone’s been telling me, I’m guessing that’s what people do in summer)– or sunshine in general really. Instead, get used to waking up to cold feet, school blazers smelling like wet dog, the flu that Karen seems to be passing onto everyone, the dread of outdoor P.E. lessons, constant snot sniffing that annoys the crap out of you, and pale tanless skin (NOT ME!!  me and my asian complexion :P  ). Doesn’t sound all that much to look forward to does it?

Well, even if the skies are grey, there are still the small pleasures that will make it that much more bearable. Here’s my list of ten things I love during the year when Summer isn’t around.  This is one of the few times in life where you’ll catch me being even the slightest bit optimistic.

1. My Bed – If I could spend all of eternity in the comfort of my bed, I would. I’m sure I speak for all of us when I say that bed is the best place to be on a frosty morning, all snuggled up under the covers and the heater on high and the snooze button on the alarm is heavily used.

2. Hot Drinks – Don’t you just love that feeling of sipping your favourite hot drink and feeling it warm you up? I sure do, especially with my cup of Lipton Vanilla Chai Latte, with one sugar and Vanilla Soy Milk. I tell you, it’s heaven in a cup.  Or Milo.  I’m not much of a coffee person really, it’s like sipping armpit.

3. Skinny Jeans – Now I just love my skinny jeans. I’ve missed them over summer, because amongst a crowd of bare legs, black skinny jeans just seem out of place. But now, you’d have to be crazy not to be in them.  Actually, tights seem to be the big thing right now, perfectly fitting into the seasons, and it also means that you don’t have to shave your legs as often cause you’re always hiding them, which is a bonus.  Maybe you aren’t a big fan of skinny jeans or black tights, but I’m sure there are other bits of clothing that you’ve missed over the summer, right?

4. Hot Showers – There’s nothing I love more about those chilly mornings than jumping into a nice hot steaming shower to warm me up. I think my record has been an hour in there. I don’t exactly know how I can manage that, time just seems to pass by so quickly in there!  Just beware of those people after you who might be treated to an unpleasantly cold shower.

5. No Sweat – I don’t think there are many of you out there who enjoy the streams of sweat trickling down your face as you bake in the sun, or the shirt on your back sticking to your body, or your hot face steaming up your glasses sheerly from standing in the sun. It never really happens to me, as I try to shield myself from sunlight altogether (I hate to get browner than necessary), but just the thought of it is... ick. Although, with sub-zero temperatures, who has time to sweat?  Unless of course you’re that into sports…

6. Free Rides Home – I don’t know about you, but I love to use the weather as an excuse to call up dad and ask for a pick up. If I’m lucky, he’ll be in a good mood and swing on by to Chilton Grove where I’ll be waiting and hopefully, if I’m extra lucky, he’ll throw in a complimentary snack.  If he’s not in the good mood, it’ll be the bus home.  Nothing like that long walk in the icy wind, then sitting in a scungy bus next to a complete stranger, totally being alienated because of your red blazer and what it symbolizes, then walking up the hill in the stronger icy wind!  Oh how I love public transport!  No, actually, I do love public transport, for real.

7. No Swimming in PE – Yes, that’s right, we all dread getting into togs and swimming in that outdoor pool. But, with Summer gone, so is that compulsory swimming! Doesn’t that just make you happy?  It sure makes me happy.  It would be nice if outdoor PE was cancelled altogether though, or maybe the installation of an indoor pool?  I mean, surely all that money we’re pumping into the system is sufficient for a heated, indoor pool.  Surely.

8. No Sunscreen – If you’re like me, and always seem to forget to apply the sunblock and get unnecessarily browner (yes I HATE getting tans, I’m weird right?  NO, actually I’m brown enough), then have no fear, winter is here! With no sun in the sky, who needs sunblock? I ran out of ideas, so I’m trying to be optimistic here...

9. Night Time Rain – I often get the best night’s sleep listening to the rhythmic shower of rain accompanied by the whistling wind.  (Oh how dramatic) Maybe it’s the sense of security I get, all wrapped up in my blanket, cushioned by the numerous pillows and the heater on high or maybe there’s some fancy psychological explanation behind it. Either way, rain beats a lullaby any night.

10. A Good Book – When the sun isn’t out, and I’m cosy in bed, picking up a book is usually all the physical strain I can handle. Call me a nerd, or bookworm, or whatever you call it, but I absolutely LOVE spending a whole day reading (I even found myself enjoying the Power Of One, even if it was only for the slightest moment). And I know I’m not the only one.

And there you have it; ten things that make the summerless skies more bearable.


I have not a clue what to write. I haven’t written much but english essays lately (I wrote this a month ago, lately, all I’ve been writing are quotes from the dreaded Power Of One), which I’m sure wouldn’t be a big hit with you guys (Yes the Power of One, POO according to Mrs Parish, wouldn’t be a big hit with you guys either unless you enjoy self inflicted pain). I don’t even know what people are into these days, I prefer to seclude myself from society and read. So I’m sitting here, laptop on lap, listening to rain doing what rain does on the roof (it’s not actually raining, it just adds a cool effect)and Michael Bublé blaring in the background - he’s awesome. As for article writing? Nothing... You know what’s easier than article writing? Tumblr. Tumblr is my life - or at least it takes up what’s supposed to be my life – that AND Pokémon AND DeviantART.

Tumblr in a nutshell: It’s the alternative to those late night Facebook sessions where all you do is ‘Become a Fan’, ‘Become a Fan’, ‘Like’, ‘Become a Fan’, OOH GOSSIP – OMG SHE DID WHAT!?, ‘Become a Fan’, ‘Like’, ‘Become a Fan’ for a relentless amount of time. Doesn’t that ever get boring?  <oooh, they changed ‘Become a Fan’ to ‘Like’ o.O>

But anyway, Tumblr (I fail at structured paragraphs, I get way off topic). Tumblr is basically a simplified version of a blog. I know, I know, blogs are slightly nerdy and to be honest, I’d choose Facebook over reading blogs  (BUT this blog is waaaay better!!). But Tumblr’s different! It collates everything you’re interested in whether it’s music (me), art (me), photography (me), celebrities (me), cute boys(yes, that’s me), TV (me), literature (me), history (me, no thanks)– ANYTHING, onto one page.  So then, all you have to do is scroll down and look at all the pretty things. It’s great. Seriously.

It probably doesn’t sound all that exciting does it? It’s one of those “you won’t know till you try it then get addicted” type things. So I suggest you try it out the next time you have nothing to do.  Check my Tumblog out –> vaccuumshateme (don’t ask where I get the name from, maybe I’ll explain it later, maybe I won’t, but that’s for another day)

HAH, that was originally intended as a Slippery Fish article.  Maybe it still is, I don’t know.

Well hello.

So, Karen *Cah Razy and I have finally created this blog in which we can share our random thoughts and vents on the world around us.  Frankly (you’ll find that I tend you overuse the word), there are too many things that go unnoticed by the passerbyer that are actually worthwhile knowing. Maybe.  Hah, I just wrote a whole lot of CRAP right there. 

Anyway, I think this blog may overtake my current blog *vaccuumshateme  but oh well, it’s fun working with my fellow pro-segregational asian.  <I don’t know what to insert here>

What to write, what to write.  Okay, so here’s something.  Drinking.  Yes I do tend to touch the more political subjects when I’ve got no current inspiration.  Yes, I have no current inspiration.  Noooo, actually, scratch that.  Drinking sucks.

Errhm.  Okay, I’ll get back to you on that one.  Hah, I just wasted your time.

Things That Irritate Me.

As a rule, there shall be no naming of names. Any names. But people will be criticised. Some blatantly obvious, others in-jokes that you might relate in your own life. We hope you won't. These people will be pretty annoying.

Not sure if I should, but here goes anyway. Nothing is off limits.

She was crying the other day, in public. What from? Who cares? Happens nearly every day now. Unsurprising really. The most eye twitching thing though, is that she thinks I'm her friend and that I listen to her when she talks to me. I've never done anything to make her like me. But still, she will talk in that irritating manner of hers to me about all the problems in her life and expect me to care. They're not even real problems. I have to distract my hands around her, in case they are suddenly propelled towards her neck in a vice-like grip.

People who try to sound smart. Someone actually one said to me "You're so condensing." Condensing? What was I? Sweetened milk? And when I asked him "Don't you mean condescending?" He had the decency to look caught out for a second before walking away saying "That's what I said." Dumbass.

People with weird laughs. I consciously try not to be funny around these people, just so I don't have to hear their creepy chuckles. These people go around thinking I'm a boring person, but the truth is, I'm very funny. Their laughs just freak me out. This one girl, it was a shriek for her. She screamed laugher. Into your ear. You made a face, she screamed and people phoned the ambulance.

Which brings me to a girl we affectionately refer to as Vanvan. Her face is so hideous, it brings tears to your eyes. But she doesn't even know! People can go "Oh! You're so pretty!" (while vomiting inside)and she will nod, as if the reason people laughed when they saw her was because she was such a funny person. So really, she should be Ambulanceambulance. That way, when someone gets a stroke upon seeing her and calling her name, someone will already have phoned for help. Genius.

Note: vanvan is not a real name, therefore the mention of it doesn't break the rule. and plus, it wouldn't be as amusing if you didn't know.

And now that I think about it, this should really be called 'People that irritate me'. But wait. That last one. Doesn't really count.

Comedian Career Choice.

Could I become a comedian? The kind that takes the piss out of everything you like and distorts them until you start believing everything sucks? Wait. All comedians do that.

My parents think I should get a real job. They believe making controversial jokes isn't a viable career move. Old timers. Said the same thing of joining the KKK. I'm not white.

Be a doctor, they say, open your own practice. To my brother; open a funeral home next door. But then, it's always this joke with them.

"Be a comedian, your bru-tha open fune-rull next door."
"Be a lawyer, your bru-tha open fune-rull next door."
"Be a toothpaste advertisement creator, your bru-tha open fune-rull next door."

All this, with a fully serious Chinese accent. What worries me is that they think any job I choose, SOMEONE's gunna die. Thanks. I feel real encouraged now.

That time in life when everything is somehow crap.

I've reached that time. And what am I gonna do about it? Write a blog. Wow, I'll make such a difference. Whatever. Better than gathering all my energy into stabbing a stranger on the street. Be glad. That stranger could've been you.
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