Tuesday, May 25, 2010


What's worse than having real exams? Going to a school that not only has practice exam, but also, practice FOR the practice exams. :/ And on top of that? Individual tests for the practice of the practice for the practice exams. Can you imagine a conversation just before one? I can. And I'll share it with you. (Oh, well done. Of course you're going to share it. What would the point be in not? You lunatic.)

"So, economics exam tommorrow."


"Which one? The real one, or a mock?"

"Pretty sure it's a practice for the mocks."

"Ok.. Certain it's not a mock of the practice of the mocks of the exams that are ACTUALLY WORTH SOMETHING?"

"Probably not. Even if it is, does it make a difference? At this rate, one less isn't any less at all."


"I'm alluding to the exams being never ending. An infinity. You know?"

"Nah. Don't do geography."

"Err. Infinity. Like, the sideways 8?"

"Ate? I'm hungry. When's lunch?"

I'm confused now. What were we talking about?

Continuing, and what is with all the opposing statements? One teacher will say it's not important at all, while the other acts as if failing the mock mock mock mock etc.. will bring about an apocalypse and another doesn't even know when they're being held. Who should we ignore? Whose word should we take as law? With so many mixed signals, no wonder kids these days are obese! (Karen, that has nothing to do with it. Of course it does! Confusion leads to low self esteem which leads to eating problems. Oh my! You are smart! I know.)

And who exactly is the blue voice of reason? How should I know? I'm just the persona that types...


Anonymous said...

I know a perfect counter measure. Each time you have those things, write 10 papers for each and the teacher would have to spend times to read them so they won't do much mocks or exams.

kariie said...

You obviously don't know the lengths my school goes to in order to make us suffer. Any attempt to fight back results in humiliation and religious punishment.

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