Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I find that the term "books" is too generalized these days. Miley Cyrus' biography? A BOOK. No, seriously. And how easy is it to write one? Go on a bus, any one, and probably every second person will have written one. Even the bus driver.

And what is with Adult versions of Children books? Take Harry Potter, for example. Oh yes, make the cover black and take out the cartoon and WHAM! It suddenly become NOT a magical story about teenage wizards battling hormone problems and riding unicorns, but instead, a philosophical, intellectual narrative.

But what annoys me the most are audio books. I can understand if it's for blind people, but I really don't see any other point to them. But still, they're bought because "Oh, I can't spare a few minutes each day reading this novel, but I know! I'll purchase a five hour tape of it, read by an aging celebrity, to listen to. Maybe in the car, a great distraction while driving at 100 kilometres an hour on the motorway. Oh perhaps, just when I have some free time. Even though my lack of free time was the reason I bought the tape in the FIRST PLACE."

If you're that kind of person, get off my blog. You're just as bad as the people who watch a movie then read the book, and then complain that they were both the same. Of course they're the same! Just because it's a movie, it doesn't change the plot! What a disgrace.


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