They call it beautification; "scientifically proven' to lessen wrinkles, cleanse skin, suddenly become 50 years younger.
But what it really is is MUMMIFICATION while alive. Egyptians used to anoint the corpses with oil and perfume, using salts to stiffen the skin. Sounds a bit like your mom's beauty regime at night huh? And delaying your skin from it's eventual decomposition? That's called EMBALMING.
And most of the time, you end up looking like a Michael Jackson reincarnation. The ones which pull your face back and close up all your pores so that your face becomes mask like? People will start expecting you to break out into Thriller everytime you go out in public.
And the whole point of it, to not seem so old? Everyone can tell anyway! No 120 dollar lotion will ever make it ok for you to say things like "skuxx" past the age of 16, so stop trying!
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