Saturday, May 29, 2010

Step 2: Asian Stereotyping

This issue has been brought up many times: in movies, on TV, but it has never actually been written out in black and white. I think as an Asian myself; we should rise up and fight against this monstrosity, starting right now

Chinese people are: bad drivers, short and have 2 names i.e. Chinese name and European name.

Point 1: When your driving on the highway and suddenly someone swerves in front of you, after all the swearing the word Chinese usually comes up. No one knows where this assumption originated but it is clearly giving the Chinese a bad name. For example, someone (let's call them X) came up to me and told them she couldn’t get a ride with Y because she was Chinese. What does that imply, that Y will crash, that she'll violently swerve in front of someone, if we asked X's parents, they most likely wouldn’t have an answer to "What's wrong with Y being Chinese?", but it is because of this stereotyping that Chinese drivers are frowned upon. And what about the population of China? Do they not use public transport because of the Chinese drivers?

Point 2: People that think Chinese people are short obviously haven’t flicked through the Guinness Book of World Records…the worlds tallest man is Chinese. Those people obviously haven’t met Dani Xu either

Point 3: Recalling the wonderful memories of a relief teacher in her natural habitat:
Teacher: Are you R?
R: Yeah I am
Teacher: Oh, you're Chinese. I have a Chinese friend, his name is Zephyr. He says it means 'strong wind'. Do you have a Chinese name?
R: Um no
And thank god they don't, rather nothing than STRONG WIND

Indian people are equally stereotyped: they own dairies, their last name is Patel, the men have moustaches and turbans and we play cricket

Point 1: Yes, I must agree, most Indians do own dairies and, I admit, one day I walked into a dairy and there was a white dude at the counter, I had to double take (because he was white, not any other reason) but when people meet me after they ask my name they say, 'Where's your dairy?" But looking at the positives, Indians are entrepreneurs they like to earn money and blow it on trips to India, so shame. Money is an Indian's best friend, who needs dogs and diamonds
Point 2: Firstly I must state, my last name is not Patel so this is an easy argument for me, my last name means 'hello' in Fijian (see Chinese - point 3) Patel is the most common GUJURATI last name, Gujarat being a western (and the coolest) state of India. Not all of India is made up of Gujaratis, but we are slowly taking over the world, one dairy at a time (see Indian – Point 1)

Point 3: Most 'westernised' Indian men don’t have moustaches and only Punjabi men wear turbans…that's all I have to say about that point and that moustaches do not make men look handsome.

Point 4: In the great words of one of the greatest minds of our generation 'I can be Indian, see I play cricket!' Cricket is one of the most popular pastimes of the Indian nation and the national team is well respected throughout the world, even though some of them are (from personal experience) unsocial snobs.


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