I have a sibling, William. He's rather strange. And has anger management issues.
It's rather funny really, because he's always looked like a girl, with his hair all on his head and none on his face. I always wanted a sister, so I give him pigtails sometimes. Mini ones that stick out. It's probably why he so many problems.
Our family went out once, and while I was away, my parents saw some old friends. Upon seeing my brother, they cooed, going "Your daughter has grown up so fast!" Did my parents make any effort to correct them? Maybe because they weren't really sure either.
At camp, I can borrow his clothing, and it's rather horrifying that the chest area doesn't even stretch because he has moobs. Full on. When I go shopping for bras, he gets annoyed that I take so long and complains "What do you need so many bras for? My moobs are bigger than yours." And goes off sulking in a mood, a permanent PMS.
Ah, I feel rather guilty now. He's sensitive about his weight.
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