Okay, okay this is my last post for today :/ Battery life = 13% = 2 minutes or so :/
Well it’s clear, Summer is officially over. It’s all clouds, wind and rain from here on in. There are no more mini shorts (for the sane people out there), overpriced summer carnivals, numerous days at the beach (I’m not much of a beach person myself, but from what everyone’s been telling me, I’m guessing that’s what people do in summer)– or sunshine in general really. Instead, get used to waking up to cold feet, school blazers smelling like wet dog, the flu that Karen seems to be passing onto everyone, the dread of outdoor P.E. lessons, constant snot sniffing that annoys the crap out of you, and pale tanless skin (NOT ME!! me and my asian complexion :P ). Doesn’t sound all that much to look forward to does it?
Well, even if the skies are grey, there are still the small pleasures that will make it that much more bearable. Here’s my list of ten things I love during the year when Summer isn’t around. This is one of the few times in life where you’ll catch me being even the slightest bit optimistic.
1. My Bed – If I could spend all of eternity in the comfort of my bed, I would. I’m sure I speak for all of us when I say that bed is the best place to be on a frosty morning, all snuggled up under the covers and the heater on high and the snooze button on the alarm is heavily used.
2. Hot Drinks – Don’t you just love that feeling of sipping your favourite hot drink and feeling it warm you up? I sure do, especially with my cup of Lipton Vanilla Chai Latte, with one sugar and Vanilla Soy Milk. I tell you, it’s heaven in a cup. Or Milo. I’m not much of a coffee person really, it’s like sipping armpit.
3. Skinny Jeans – Now I just love my skinny jeans. I’ve missed them over summer, because amongst a crowd of bare legs, black skinny jeans just seem out of place. But now, you’d have to be crazy not to be in them. Actually, tights seem to be the big thing right now, perfectly fitting into the seasons, and it also means that you don’t have to shave your legs as often cause you’re always hiding them, which is a bonus. Maybe you aren’t a big fan of skinny jeans or black tights, but I’m sure there are other bits of clothing that you’ve missed over the summer, right?
4. Hot Showers – There’s nothing I love more about those chilly mornings than jumping into a nice hot steaming shower to warm me up. I think my record has been an hour in there. I don’t exactly know how I can manage that, time just seems to pass by so quickly in there! Just beware of those people after you who might be treated to an unpleasantly cold shower.
5. No Sweat – I don’t think there are many of you out there who enjoy the streams of sweat trickling down your face as you bake in the sun, or the shirt on your back sticking to your body, or your hot face steaming up your glasses sheerly from standing in the sun. It never really happens to me, as I try to shield myself from sunlight altogether (I hate to get browner than necessary), but just the thought of it is... ick. Although, with sub-zero temperatures, who has time to sweat? Unless of course you’re that into sports…
6. Free Rides Home – I don’t know about you, but I love to use the weather as an excuse to call up dad and ask for a pick up. If I’m lucky, he’ll be in a good mood and swing on by to Chilton Grove where I’ll be waiting and hopefully, if I’m extra lucky, he’ll throw in a complimentary snack. If he’s not in the good mood, it’ll be the bus home. Nothing like that long walk in the icy wind, then sitting in a scungy bus next to a complete stranger, totally being alienated because of your red blazer and what it symbolizes, then walking up the hill in the stronger icy wind! Oh how I love public transport! No, actually, I do love public transport, for real.
7. No Swimming in PE – Yes, that’s right, we all dread getting into togs and swimming in that outdoor pool. But, with Summer gone, so is that compulsory swimming! Doesn’t that just make you happy? It sure makes me happy. It would be nice if outdoor PE was cancelled altogether though, or maybe the installation of an indoor pool? I mean, surely all that money we’re pumping into the system is sufficient for a heated, indoor pool. Surely.
8. No Sunscreen – If you’re like me, and always seem to forget to apply the sunblock and get unnecessarily browner (yes I HATE getting tans, I’m weird right? NO, actually I’m brown enough), then have no fear, winter is here! With no sun in the sky, who needs sunblock? I ran out of ideas, so I’m trying to be optimistic here...
9. Night Time Rain – I often get the best night’s sleep listening to the rhythmic shower of rain accompanied by the whistling wind. (Oh how dramatic) Maybe it’s the sense of security I get, all wrapped up in my blanket, cushioned by the numerous pillows and the heater on high or maybe there’s some fancy psychological explanation behind it. Either way, rain beats a lullaby any night.
10. A Good Book – When the sun isn’t out, and I’m cosy in bed, picking up a book is usually all the physical strain I can handle. Call me a nerd, or bookworm, or whatever you call it, but I absolutely LOVE spending a whole day reading (I even found myself enjoying the Power Of One, even if it was only for the slightest moment). And I know I’m not the only one.
And there you have it; ten things that make the summerless skies more bearable.
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