They're dodgy, they're boring, they're irritating, even when all they are supposed to be is a teacher.
The ones that try to be your "friend". Borders just on the line between Acceptable and Harrassment. They use "street-talk", with an actual hyphen. It's just plain wrong. Can't pinpoint what, but it must be something to do with the fact that if you met these adults outside of class, you'd automatically think "Mid life crisis", "On meds" or perhaps "Serial killer" or maybe all 3.
The real anal ones with anger issues. My God. I'm pretty sure half of them are psychiatric ward escapees. The rest? On parole. "No wristbands!" "It's a watch." Awkward pause. "Take it off. No jewellery allowed." "But it's-" "Off. Or it's detention at lunch." You grumble and their heads whip back, viper tongue hissing. "See me after class!"
Teachers that tell you their life story. "Facebook? Men send pornography to me on that! Ther'es a woman with the same name as me who they're supposed to go to." Disturbing in so many, many ways. 1. You have Facebook?? Gah! 2. Send pornography to you? Gah!! 3. You know the woman they're supposed to go to? Gah!!!
No wonder child delinquents skip school. It's far safer to wander the streets alone in bad neighbourhoods with gang tensions rife than to go to Biology.
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