Could I become a comedian? The kind that takes the piss out of everything you like and distorts them until you start believing everything sucks? Wait. All comedians do that.
My parents think I should get a real job. They believe making controversial jokes isn't a viable career move. Old timers. Said the same thing of joining the KKK. I'm not white.
Be a doctor, they say, open your own practice. To my brother; open a funeral home next door. But then, it's always this joke with them.
"Be a comedian, your bru-tha open fune-rull next door."
"Be a lawyer, your bru-tha open fune-rull next door."
"Be a toothpaste advertisement creator, your bru-tha open fune-rull next door."
All this, with a fully serious Chinese accent. What worries me is that they think any job I choose, SOMEONE's gunna die. Thanks. I feel real encouraged now.
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